are first date

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chapter 12

(Taylors POV)

    "can I come in is it safe"ask Elena's best friend Leigh .

     "yeah its safe" she and I syltarted to laugh as she came in.

      "what are you guys laughing at"

     "nothening" I managed to say in between breathes.

     "OK well me and Shawn were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the carnival?"Elena just look at me like she wanted to go but let me dicide.

   "yeah we'll go" I smiled at Elena and she smiled back.

    "when do we leave leigh "

    " in two hours" then she left the room.

     "you know Taylor I still have to go back to my hotel room to get my stuff" I complete forgot.

  " oh yeah I forgot babe lets go eat breakfast then well get you changed then we will come back here"

    " sounds good"

  ( I'm skipping the part with them eating I found it boring)

  "OK were here at your hotel babe do you want me to go in with you"

   " yeah I'll change in the bathroom"

   " awwe your no fun you know you can change in front of me any time"

then I winked at her and she rolled her beautiful blue eyes.

  " what ever Taylor you know I'm not going to right now" I sighed

she got changed and we went back to my hotel and waited for Shawn and leigh . Although I'm actually nervis for the first time on a date.

Meeting Taylor CaniffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ