Chapter 17

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Hey guys so what u think so far it's alright right I mean its going to be a short book I can't quiet figure out a conflict to keep it going maybe..... I do just read to find out so I don't spoil it.


(Elena POV )

"Omg Tay I'm going to be on stage with u like omg" I say this when were already in the room and about to leave to go to the airplane.taylor comes up to me and Huges me from behind and wispers in my ear.

"U disrvie the best bae and u going with me is going to be great"

"Thanks Tay I love u more than you can imagine"

"I love u too and that's not even possible"

He kiss my ear and it make gosbumps go up me arm.

"Tay stop we kind have to go"

"Ok then we'll finish it after when we land"

"Ok baby but for now let's go" I say as I'm facing Taylor and are eyes are locked. then he looks down at my mouth and moves in and kiss me. as usual he send sparks to my lip. when he removes the my lips are still warm from his touch but he grabs my hand and walks me out the door.we get on the plane and I fall asleep as soon as we take off. I woke up with my head on Taylor's shoulder and he's fast asleep to. then I look out the window and I see That we're really up high. oh god is what I think to my self cuz I hate heights.

"Where about to land so make sure ur seat belts are on." says the flight attodon.

"Taylor wake up" I say say I poke his amazing check bones.

"Really do u must poke my checks?" he asked while his eyes are still close.

"Yes I must but were gping to be landing soon so put ur seat belt on"

"Ugh but I don't want to move can u do it for me?" he asks while his eyes are now open and stairing into mine.

"I guess but only because I love u" I each over to grab the seat belt but then Taylor moves over so I actitel touch his butt.

"Hey u just touched my butt" he says like I essentially suppose to.

"For one that's ur fault for moving and for two u proply liked it"

"I did but u proply like it more cuz I have an amazing butt" I roll my eyes at him. by this time people are stairing at us.

"Now that ur fully awake do it your self" I say and buckle my own.

"But bae I like it when u do it"he wined.

"Oh well" he give in and buckles it himself. Then he leans over and wispers in my ear" you know I like it when ur dicult" he says and I just roll my eyes. we finally land on the ground and I mumble under my breathe thank god. Taylor must have heard it cuz he looks over with a questioning look.

"What I don't like heights u already know this"

"Oh yeah I forgot" we then grab are stuff and get of the plane. Bart is already waiting for us.

"Hey guys welcome to Michigan, right now your in Detroit and we have to go to oscoda it's a small town but everyone will still come there's lots of big cites some where close. so let's get in the car we have a for hour drive there." he says and walks to his own car.

"Omg Tay where going to my home town like no one cool every comes there"

"Really babe well does this mean I get to meet your parents"

"Ummmm..... I guess you can"

"What do you me you guess"

"Well a head up now my dad is kinda mean"

" It's fine I can deal with it "

"Ok then we'll see" on the four hour drive the boys mess Around and we laugh really hard. but I was happy I got to sit next to Tay cuz the hole time we were holding hands and I think Shawn and Leigh were too cuz leigh was smiling the hole time.

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