Chapter 30: Broken.

Start from the beginning

"Can you promise me something?"

"Of course, Jess. Anything."

"Promise me that no matter what, we'll never go to bed angry at each other like we did last night. Especially after days like today."

"Jess, I promise you, that will never happen again. I will stay up until 4 in the morning working things out if we have to," I swore.

I looked her intently into her eyes as I made her this promise. After what happened today, the argument we had seemed so meaningless. But we had to put that argument past us because we had more important things to focus on now. It put everything into perspective.


The doctor returned shortly after and told us a little more about the procedure. He explained that the biopsy itself would be a fairly quick process, lasting about 10 minutes. Jess would be given a sedative to relax, but she wouldn't be completely out. The doctor also gave her something to numb the area so Jess wouldn't feel any pain.

I stayed towards the top of Jess, holding her hand, and just talking to her. I was trying to comfort and distract her from what the doctor was doing. Jess didn't look like she was in pain, which was somewhat of a relief. But it was still difficult for me to watch Jess lay there, as the doctor worked on her. She was so woozy and almost unconscious. But I tried not to think about how difficult it was for me to watch this. I had to focus on Jess because she was the one actually going through all of this.

After a few minutes, the doctor completed the procedure and explained that our next steps would be to just wait for the results. Jess was still a bit out of it, but I pulled the doctor aside to get more information about what I could do. I felt so helpless just watching her go through this. But I hoped that the doctor could give me some ideas on how to help Jess.

"Is there anything I can do, to help her out, so she feels better?"

"Well, the area is very sensitive at the moment, so no sex for the next couple of days."

"That's fine, I can control myself. What else?" I asked him.

As much as I loved being with Jess, that was the last thing on my mind right now. I just wanted to make sure that I did everything I could to help her feel better.

"You could make sure that she doesn't get a fever. And some bleeding is normal, but if it becomes excessive, she should come back and get that checked. Other than that, just make sure she eats, drinks a lot of water, and gets some rest."

"Ok, I can handle that."

"Oh, and one more thing. Her hormones are all out of balance right now. So, don't be surprised if her emotions are all over the place. Just be patient with her," the doctor told me.

"I can do that," I assured him.


The whole ride home, Jess barely said a word. She was still a little woozy from the procedure. Not only was she fairly silent, and barely reacted since the doctor explained this whole situation. I would've expected her to get upset, and cry after what happened. But instead Jess had gone numb, and I was worried that she was in denial. Once we got back to her house, I tried to make sure that I took care of her.

"Jess, you look exhausted. Why don't you go lay down for a little bit?"

"I don't need to lay down, I need to take a shower. I feel gross."

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