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        Each Agent stood around a glass table where sheets of papers were scattered above it. The man sitting at the end of the table looked up from his papers and gazed around at the men and women who stood around him. His old gray eyes scanned each of them as he leaned back in his chair.

"You know why I called you here?" He asked still scanning the agents in the room with a cold glare.

The agents kept silent staring back into the old man's eyes. Their eyes matched his coldness. No spark of life could be seen in each of their eyes. Only a deep void that had replaced what used to be life with the emptiness of each of the individuals. Not one of them said a word nor moved an inch, just stared straight into the old man's empty gray eyes.

The old man sat forward and leaned his elbows on the table.

"Sit." He commanded with a hint of a sharp tone in his voice.

Each agent took their seats almost in sync. The old man slid them each a vanilla folder with the word "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped across the front. The Agents opened their folders and skimmed through their information. Some of the agents took sharp breaths as they read.

The old man leaned forward and intertwined his fingers. "Yes. It's true that he escaped. It is up to us now."

All the agents glanced at eachother then back down at their folders. "It says that almost all the police units around the world couldn't find him. He seems to be on the go twenty four seven since no one has had a good sighting of him." Said an older agent as he skimmed through more information.

"Indeed, that is why each of you have been assigned a country to look over. Some of you have to look over a full continent." The old man said sliding each of them another vanilla folder similar to the last one. Each agent opened up their folder, inside was a fake ID,  which country and continents have been assigned to each agent and what their occupation would be during the time they would be carrying out their mission.

There were some agents who were actually happy about where they were assigned and what job they would have, other agents seemed annoyed or upset by theirs.

"Sir, is my fake occupation really a dump truck driver in Kansas?!" Asked one of the younger agents who was holding up his folder so everyone could see.

"Yes Agent C. Some of your jobs need to be more undercover than the rest." Said the old man. He leaned back into his chair as all the agents put down their folders. His eyes fell on one of the younger agents who was still looking at her folder with her information. She obviously didn't look to pleased with what she was assigned. She flipped through her pages and sighed angrily as loose strands of her dark brown hair fell in her face.

"Agent Q. Are you not pleased with what you have been given?" The old man asked, his cold glare right on her.

"Sir?" Agent Q asked hesitantly. She knew better than to say more. The old man's harsh gaze didn't soften. He kept eye contact with her. Agent Q wasn't afraid of him though. She straightened up and pushed back her loose strands of hair.

"Sir, the job you have assigned me... I think it would be a waste. Besides, the man we are after probably isn't even interested in this country. Give me a country that I can protect." Agent Q said intertwining her fingers and placing her hands on the table.

The old man snickered a bit and sat up. "Agent Q. This country is actually more important than you think."

Agent Q gave him a quizzical look and opened up her folder again to look at anything she had missed.

"This country is very popular for entertainment. I would think our man could hide there easily since many people go their for their stars." Said the old man. "Honestly? If anything were to happen to their so called 'Idols', not only would their fans be mad but also the countrie's government. See the government and the entertainment go hand in hand in this country. Their entertainment is what makes them a well known place." He continued.

Agent Q threw down her folder.

"So you want me to babysit one of their biggest boy groups?"



Hello everyone! So as you know this is a story about EXO. I love EXO and decided I wanted to write a story about them. I am writing this story about Suho because I really enjoy him and he brings me endless joy. Even if this story is about Suho, he actually is not my bias. I noticed that most of the stories about him on here are usually about him and Irene ( Red Velvet ). I thought I would change things up a bit.
Please enjoy!

- Frankie

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