I'm Fine.

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A silent storm rages within me in the shadows of my seemingly vibrant life. "I'm fine," I repeat, a mantra that echoes hollowly through the laughter shared at work, the camaraderie with coworkers, and the applause for my professional achievements. The grocery aisles witness my culinary pursuits, as I drown my unease in pasta, pizza, and vodka on a perfect rainy day—the kind that begs for movies and storytelling. Yet, amidst the facade of normalcy, a pervasive ache haunts the depths of my being.

An unseen weight presses on my chest, a phantom pain that defies medical explanation. It's a struggle to draw breath, and the exhaustion lingers despite plentiful sleep. The paradox of laughter and despair entwined within me becomes unbearable. I yearn to convey the unspeakable agony, but how can I burden others with the intangible shards of my despair? It's an unspoken truth that sharing such fragility can be as terrifying as facing it alone.

The emptiness within me, a void too vast to be filled by laughter, beckons whispers of darkness. I grapple with the haunting notion that vanishing might be the easiest solution—a silent departure from a world enamored with the beauty of existence. Life's wonders, the breathtaking artistry of every breath, eludes me. I convince myself that the sunlit promises of tomorrow are mere illusions, fading against the stark canvas of my internal tempest. Ambivalence and a pervasive lack of motivation weigh down my aspirations, drowning them in a sea of apathy.

To admit the truth—to confess the gnawing emptiness that consumes me—is to risk burdening others with the weight of my despair. The fear of inflicting my pain upon those I hold dear, of shattering the fragile illusions of normalcy that shield them from the abyss, paralyzes my tongue. Yet the isolation grows unbearable, a suffocating silence that threatens to swallow me whole. Perhaps reaching out and speaking could mend the fractures, but the gulf between my experience and their understanding feels insurmountable. 

The silence envelopes me, and I remain imprisoned by my unvoiced pain, longing for release but unable to find the words to set myself free.

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