IM BACK FROM THE DEAD with a sakusa fanfic oooooo

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Disclaimer; this fic has since undergone and is undergoing heavy editing. Like COMPLETE rewrites.

I somehow hit rank #1 for #oikawa.
The date is 4/20.

Now the date is 11/27. The day after Thanksgiving.
I have reached 200k reads and am ranked #69 in tragedy.

If you actually read this fanfiction all the way to this chapter, let me apologize to you. My seventh grade self was an awful writer and whenever I reread this story I cringe at the grammar mistakes and overkill plot. However, the writing process was super fun and can only be described as a 'learning experience'.
If you're newer, you avoided most of the unedited chapters- congrats.

Emo me making this story:
+ Oikawa
+ BTS puns
+ random anime cameos
+ bad grammar

Truly, youth corrupts us all.

Now let me let you down one last time by self promoting my new fanfic after like three or four years.

It's a Sakusa x Reader, and I'm already so devoted to this fanfiction. I've worked out a storyline and have greatly improved my writing skills and plot sense.

Sakusa is oddly intriguing to me personally; since he's featured very little in the available season 4 episodes, there's a lot I can do with his character. I feel like he has a lot of layers and motivations hidden behind his signature mask and windex. I find myself replaying his sparse haikyuu scenes on YouTube almost every day, trying to figure out who he really is.

It's honestly not that deep, but I'm enamored with him.

I highly recommend that you check the fanfiction out :) it's called 'I Don't Want To Be Your Friend' and I've been working on it daily. The first two chapters are up and have 1850-1950 word counts.

Thank you for reading this fanfiction. Oikawa holds a special place in my heart, and I wish my words had done him justice. Maybe someday.

But after I love Sakusa to death.

Love, @kimnahasnolife

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