Confisacted and highly dangerous

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Sitting in Filch's office, listening to him ranting about how using dungbombs in the corridors was forbidden, was not something Fred and George worried about in the slightest.

They rolled their eyes as Filch began yelling at them. As he was with no magic made Filch an easy target for the twins to annoy. They had learnt quickly that they were likely to always get a reaction from Filch which is what they wanted from their pranks.

As Filch turned away to grab parchment and quill to record Fred and George's actions, Fred noticed a draw in his filing cabinets labelled "confiscated and highly dangerous" .

He nudged George and pointed at the draw. George grinned at Fred who grinned back. Careful not to make any noise, George took a dungbomb out of his pocket and threw it on the floor by Filch who was suddenly engulfed in a putrid smelling cloud. As Filch began cursing and coughing, Fred had dashed over to the draw and grabbed the item inside. He shoved it inside his robes and moved back next to George as Filch turned around, joules wobbling and his face purple with anger.

"Get out! Get out of my office or I will tell professor Dumbledore!" He yelled at the twins.

Fred and George wasted no time and were out before Filch could say it again.

"That was wicked!" Fred said. "Perfect aim Georgie."

"Thank you! Thank you very much," George said, pretending to bow to an imaginary crowd.

When they were three floors away from Filch's office, the twins stopped by a window seat as Fred pulled the item out of his pocket and they studied it together.

"What do you think it is?" George asked.

"Looks like a piece of parchment? But why would Filch label it dangerous?" Fred questioned as he unfolded it.

The twins studied it and tried everything they could to make it reveal its secrets but every time they were met with the same result.

"We, Fred and George Weasley, swear that we are going to mess this school up!" Fred shouted pointing his wand at the parchment.

Mister moony would like to say that Messers Weasley are very close

Mister wormtail wants them to solemnly swear that they will cause mischief

Mister padfoot would like to wish Mr and Mr Weasley good luck and wondered he could get a drink with them

Mister Prongs thinks that mr and Mr Weasley are very cool and should always be up to no good

Fred and George looked at each other. They both seemed to think the same thing as twins do of course!

Together they both pointed their wands at the parchment and said in sync:

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"

The parchment began to change as lines spread across creating a map of the school.

"Oh my Merlin..." George said

"We are going to wreck this place Georgie," Fred said.

"Yes we are Freddie," George replied.


Here it is guys another one shot of the famous Weasleys!! Sorry I've been so inactive lately but it's been a tough couple of months and I can't actually remember the last time I updated this but anyway who cares

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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