How not to tutor twins

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George POV
It was a bright, sunny day and it was a normal day in the Weasley household.

"Fred, why do mum and dad have to tutor us on Saturdays. It so unfair because Saturday is pranking day." I whined to my twin.
"I don't know George but it's probably so that we aren't able to do pranks." Fred replied.

We were hiding in the broom cupboard trying to escape our tutoring from our parents. Despite the fact that Fred and I were both aged seven, we had managed to pull off pretty spectacular pranks. We had been pranksters since birth and we were very proud of it.

"You know what Freddie, why don't we play a prank whilst we are being tutored." I suddenly said.

"How? Mum and Dad always have us in separate rooms." Fred asked.

"We switch places. I will wear your jumper and you wear mine. Mum and Dad can't tell us apart anyway. You always have Dad and I always have mum and they will teach us how to write again so we can write each other's names instead of our own. Plus you are left handed and I'm right so we write with our other hands." I explained.

"I like it Georgie."

We pulled off our blue Weasley jumpers and swapped them. So I was now wearing a blue jumper with the letter F on it and Fred with a letter G on it.

"Let's go George." Fred said. We opened the door and sneaked into the garden and in through the back door.

"There you two are. Let me guess you were hiding in the garden."  Our mum Molly Weasley came in through the living room into the kitchen.

"Close." Fred said.

"Well never mind you two are here now and you can begin your tutoring." Our dad Arthur Weasley said.

"George come on." Mum said to Fred.

We winked at each other before following our parents into different rooms.

Ten minutes later I was watching dad write out Fred's name for me to copy when a shout echoed from the other room.

"No George your name begins with a G not an F."
I snickered.

"George stop writing Fred and why is your writing so messy?"
I chuckled again.

"Very well Fred let's begin." Dad said to me.

I took the pencil in my left hand and began to write George in the page.

"Now come on Fred you know very well that is not how you spell your name. I even wrote it out for you." Dad said.

An hour later our parents still hadn't worked out what was going on. It was very funny and I was struggling not to laugh.
Every time dad called me Fred, I would ignore him and I carried on writing George.

"Now Fred pay attention. Fred I'm talking you. Fred I-"

Dad suddenly went silent. I looked at him and wished I hadn't. His face was angry.



"why are you wearing George's green wrist band." Dad asked me.

I mentally face palmed. I had forgotten about the wrist bands that our oldest brother Bill had given us so that the family could tell us apart.

"George who's idea was it." Dad asked me.

"It was mine." I mumbled.

Dad took my hand and led me into the living room where Fred was writing his name on a piece of paper while mum yelled at him.

"For the last time George I'm not going to tell you again. Stop writing Fred."

I giggled.
"Molly dear."

"What Arthur?"

"That's not George."


"This is George."

Mum turned to look at Dad.

Dad sighed.
"Molly they swapped jumpers so that we thought that we had the right twin."

"Well that explains why they kept writing the wrong name and why the writing was messy." Mum said. "You two are not to do that again, you understand?"
We both nodded.

"Swap your jumpers back please." Dad told us. We reluctantly swapped them back and looked back sheepishly at our parents.

"Now go out and play." Dad said.

We ran outside giggling madly.
"Nice one George." Fred said and he high fived me.

"Thanks." I laughed and we both rolled down the hill and lay laughing at the bottom.
Really crappy one sorry ! The writing got worse as the story went on!

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