"No. Let me make the fire and get food and stuff."


"Then no."

Yoongi felt his heart pound faster and felt his face turn redder as you were practically straddling him and touching his face, you very close to where he couldn't ignore you even if he tried. This was bad. Yoongi suddenly stopped protesting as much and almost gave into your request in order to save himself and his heart, but before he could, you got off on your own accord. He breathed out in relief, but it was short lived.

He stiffened when you simply shifted to behind him and rested your hands on his shoulders. Seeing as he hadn't given in yet, you decided to pull out the big guns.

"Yoongi, why don't you relax?" You asked sweetly, knowing how much how hated the situation. You felt evil, but at the same time you knew it was for his own good. What you didn't know was how much of an issue you were about to cause. You thought he hated touch like he had claimed, but the truth was that what he really hated the fact that he liked it. He liked you touching him way too much and he knew this was bad, therefore, his hatred was aimed at his own pleasure.

"Stop." He hissed, clenching his eyes shut and pointedly not responding, instead attempting one final plead to get you to back off, "I mean it. Back off."

You knew you almost had him. Just a bit longer... You forcefully pressed your hands into his shoulders and began moving them in motions as to give him a massage. His breath hitched at the initial touch and he bit his lip so hard he may have drawn blood. 

"(Y/N)..." He warned weakly, eyes still closed and he quite obviously completely under your spell as your hands refused to stop. It felt way too good and his body almost shook under your hands. You pressed your thumbs into his shoulder blades as you firmly pushed your hands into his shoulders one last time; your final attempt triggering something you never thought would happen.

A low moan of pleasure uncontrollably tumbled out of him as he could no longer hold it back. You froze in shock, eyes wide and hands lingering on his shoulders for a moment; not knowing if you had actually heard it. Yoongi's eyes snapped open in disbelief as he realized what had just happened and he slapped a hand over his mouth; face completely red and begging the universe to let time rewind so that he could have just slept that whole day instead of waking up.

"Uh..." You quickly took your hands off of him and backed up a little, he still frozen and unable to move.

"That didn't happen." He finally spoke firmly after a moment of shock. You nodded in agreement and bit your lip before uttering a small 'ok'. He stood up and pointedly didn't turn your way before walking off into the jungle.

"Wait, where are you going?"

His faced burned. 

"Somewhere. DON'T FOLLOW ME." He instructed firmly, still not turning your way as he disappeared into the leaves. Why did he always have to leave? You continued to nibble on your bottom lip as a slight heat rested on your cheeks. It was then clear to you that no matter what he had said, he certainly liked what had just happened. Wow. That had been awkward. 

Maybe you should have found some other way to persuade him into resting? All well, regardless  it was too late; you had already obviously made him uncomfortable and want to get away from you, and you honestly didn't blame him. You had completely intruded his personal space, something he valued almost more than anything else. 

But... at the same time... now he could still have time to himself to relax... right? So you had been successful? You picked up the stick that was still on the ground and triumphantly began poking the fire to make it grow. Yoongi was being ridiculous; you could do stuff on your own for him for a day and it wouldn't kill you. 

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