just dont ask :LLL

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Your POV

Y/n got on her black high tops and blue ripped jeans and threw on her F/b (favorite band or idek) shirt.

She heard honking out side and ran downstairs forgetting her phone upstairs.

She got into the car and smiled at Jordan.

"You ready to go?" He asked smirking while driving down the road.

"What do you think, idiot, I'm sitting in your car to go to the movies." You said looking out of the windshield

"You might wanna sit on your knees or the cops will think your 11 again." He said laughing.

"You jerk." Y/n huffed.

"What are you looking for?" Jordan asked as he watched you rummage through your purse.

"My phone, I think I left it on my bed." You said annoyed as you guys pulled into the parking lot.

"Well at least I got....mine" He said while checking his pockets noticing he didn't have his phone on him.

Y/n and Jordan looked at each other then started laughing.


Marshmello POV

Marshmello kept texting Y/n to see if you were okay.

Marshmello : Hey, I Hope you have a fun time watching your movie 

Marshmello : Love you XD 

"Wait no I should, delete that." Marshmello said while trying to delete the last text.

"I just really hope she will be okay." He said looking down at his phone.

"She isn't responding, well, she might be watching her movie now.." He said looking up from his phone then looking back at it.

"I really do hope she is okay." He said setting his phone down.


Your POV

"I can't wait to watch this movie." You said while walking down the hall way to find which room the movie will be playing in.

"Do I HAVE to hold the popcorn and sodas that YOU could be holding." He said chucking.

"What, you DON'T want to be a gentleman?" You said opening the door for the both of you.

"Fine I guess I'LL hold it." Jordan said smirking.

"Wanna sit in the very back rows." He said looking at the popcorn and drinks.

"Sure, then I can see the screen without hurting my neck." You sad smiling.

"Then people won't think you're 11." Jordan said while sitting down.

"Why are you so rude?" You said in a playful tone.

"I dunno I just am." He said while trying to wrap his arm around you.

"Don't, I don't like you like that." You said trying to push Jordan's arm away.

"Oh sure, your just saying that to get back at my insults." He said trying to kiss you.

"I'm not joking Jordan." You said while you successfully pushed his arm away from you.


(still your POV)

You looked at the theater clock and realized it was 3:40.

"JORDAN WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE HOUSE." You said while thinking that Marshmello probably left.

"Oh, Yeah your right, that guy you where talking about." He said in a ticked off kind of manner.

You and Jordan got into the car and drove back to your house a bit faster than how you where while trying to go get to the movies before the movie started playing.

You noticed the car in the driveway and let out a sigh of relief.

It was Marshmello's car.


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