blaahhhh (ineverknowwhattoputhere)

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Y/n ran into the hotel to check in. 

"Hi, I'd like to check into a room please." Y/n said with a wide grin.

"Your here to go to the Marshmello concert tonight aren't you?'' The man behind the cash register said.

"Yes, I am I cannot wait to see him tonight."

"Well, don't tell my boss but it's on the house.'' The man said.

"Thank you so, so much." You said smiling widely.


Y/n ran into the room and threw your suitcase on the bed

"Now what should I wear?" Y/n said looking in her suit case.

"Oh, I know!" you said grabbing a white hoodie (with marshmello face on it with "MarshMello" printed on the back), white leggings, White high tops, and a Marshmello helmet.

"There we go..!" You said opening the door to leave your hotel room.

Y/n started to break a sweat.

"Oh, wow, it's getting kinda hot in here." You said gasping a bit.

"Maybe i'll wear my helmet once I get to the concert." You said grinning after taking the helmet off your head.

Y/n ran out of the hotel waving to the man that let you come in for free.

Y/n got into her car and started driving to the concert.

"Dang, I wish i could have had a V.I.P pass, then I could have met Marshmello..." You said letting out a faint sigh.


Y/n got out of her car and bolted down the parking lot to find a huge line in front of an entrance.

"That has got to be the line to go out in front of the stage." You said as you widened your eyes.

And Y/n was right, there was a separate line to go and meet Marshmello before the concert.

"Since the line looks pretty long i'll wear my helmet once we get inside." Y/n sighed as she walked to into the screaming line of fans.


"How are you doing tonight L.A.??" Marshmello screamed into his glowing microphone (Like the one in Fairly Local by Twenty One Pilots XD)

The crowd screamed

Y/n put on her Marshmello helmet and started jumping with the beat of Alone.

Y/n was in the front row so she could have a better view of everything that was going on up on the stage.

You started to slow down because Y/n grew very tired.

She started to jump less and then stopped but still had one hand in the air while screaming her heart out.

The crowds cheering and screaming were hurting Y/n's ears.

she put her hand down.

Marshmello noticed that Y/n was the only person in the crowed not dancing.


Marshmello  POV

As Marshmello was mixing to the song Alone he saw a girl not moving.

He kept remixing but watched her closely but no one noticed because of his helmet  covering his face.

He saw her collapse to the floor and rushed down to get her but no one in the crowd seemed to notice but did once they saw Marshmello run down to get her.


Your POV

Y/n woke up on a couch to see Marshmello on his phone in the corner of the room.

*This must be a dream* 

(if I put * it means they are thinking XP)

Y/n sat up and rubbed her eyes

"Oh, you're awake." Said Marshmello with his helmet still on.

"I'm dreaming aren't I?" You said with a tired tone in your voice.

Marshmello stood up and stretched "Trust me, you aren't dreaming, miss." Said Marhsmello chuckling.

"T-Then how did I get here and were a-am I?" Y/n said frantically.

"Okay, 1. You passed out in the middle of a concert and 2. This is my house." He said doing finger guns.

"I did..?'' You said a bit embarrassed about fainting.

"Yep, sorry for taking you here I didn't know were you lived." He said walking into his kitchen. 

"It's okay, anyways, how did the security guards  even let you take me here?" You asked still in shock.

"I took you back stage and after the guards said nobody came with you i decided to take you here." Marshmello said tossing you your marshmello helmet.

"I cleaned your helmet for you." he said sitting back down on the chair he was sitting on before.

Y/n looked at it. "You didn't need to Marshmello." You said astonished at the work of cleaning.

"You can just call me Chris, I don't mind at all." He said with a cute tone.

Y/n looked up with her mouth wide open. 

She set her helmet next to her. "You mean you are Christopher Comstock?" Y/n said with her eyes open with a smile on her face.

"Yep, I sure am." Said Chris taking off his helmet.

"Oh my gosh!" Y/n said surprised at this news.

"Could you sign my jacket, please, pretty please?" You said with a cute grin.

"I suppose..., Just kidding of course I'll sign it." He said chuckling.

He took a while writing but Y/n didn't care.

"Hey, your car isn't here, do you want me to drive you back to the festival so you can drive back to your hotel room?" He said with attention in his tone. (so manly marshmello :T)

"Yeah, I have my purse and phone in there." You said locking eyes with him.

"Okay... Let me get my helmet." He said turning around and grabbing it.

"Why do you need it?" You asked already knowing the answer to the question.

"So I don't get seen and asked a bunch of stupid questions." He said laughing.


"Thanks again Chris!" You said smiling at him.

"No problem." He said waving good bye.

You got into your car and took off your hoodie to see what he wrote.

"....Oh .... My.... LORD!" You said screaming at the top of your lungs.

(What the savage mello wrote)






Chris POV

*I hope she doesn't freak out about what a wrote*

Chris looked in the back seat to see your helmet sitting there untouched.

"Crap she left her helmet" He said a bit angry.

"Oh well, maybe if she texts me she can give me her address so I can send her back her helmet." He said a bit relieved by that. 


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