An Abrupt Visit

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"I have postulated here that time itself is an illusion. Not so much the inevitable decline of a system from order to chaos, but merely an additional aspect of space that's nature isn't immediately obvious. Lets just say that if a solid object is said to occupy a space by virtue of its length, breadth and volume, can the same object be not said to likewise occupy the measurable dimension of 'duration'? But yet again, that might just be the madness talking. Alas, we will never know."

Written works of a mediative physicist who was rightfully dubbed insane by Dimitri


Outside the room, all is solemnly quiet. Down the corridor to the left lies a few apartments and the elevator. To the right are more rows of residence.

Xenos slams the door behind him and scrambles to his feet. His face is white like snow with the exception of the light sprinkle of blood.

Sprinting to the left, the elevator opens and the fourth floor button is pressed. Xenos hurriedly clambers in and the doors slowly close as it begins to count down. He pants heavily in a daze.





And the elevator opens.

Before Xenos stands an middle aged man holding a small book in his hands. He has dyed blue hair, tinted coloured glasses and is around the same size of Xenos. The man disregards the mass of blood on Xenos' jacket and futuristic, cyber-styled pants. He enters the lift with him, the first floor button is pressed and man's hand is now smeared with blood after pressing the button. He doesn't seem to care.

"Rough day, huh?" The man states with a slight guffaw.





"Floor Three. Please have a nice day." The elevator calls.

"See you around Xenos, I'm hope someone nice has been put foreword." The concerning man says with a smile, "Goodbye."

The doors slowly open and Xenos rushes out. He hobbles towards Owen's room, holding his winded chest all the way to 591. Down the hall to the room, Xenos hammers on the door with the force of a tank. Time passes with no concern or hurry as Owen eventually answers.

"Huh?" Owen unlocks his door,"What's up?"

"They're- he's dead... help-"

Xenos loses consciousness in a flustered realisation and is out cold once more.


"Hello again. Do you know who I am?" The female voice from his dream arises.

"Where am I?" Xenos inquires.

"You tell me. You may be the lightbringer or perhaps, just maybe, your here to kill me too?"

"I- I don't know what you mean." He replies, "Now you answer one of mine, what the hell is happening?"

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