Chapter 10 - Suspicious

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Heya guys! It's me Aki! I appear from Akirai and Akirae's merging process so now they all in me so anyways sorry for not updating lol, I tried making this chapter long but keeping some ideas for the next chapters

Anyways enjoy the story!


"Gibbs?" said Eis and Tony look alarmed

"Ziva dissapeared without a trace and Abby don't want to trace her calls nor anything so help me" explain Gibbs and Eis can see Tony relaxed slightly but still tense

"Alright just come over here and be safe Gibbs" said Eis and they end the call

"Don't worry Tony he'll be fine, he's a tough marine" said Eis and Tony smile slightly

20 minutes passed and Gibbs is in the building with all of them huddle up looking at the computer screen

"This is where she went then her signal dissapeared but reappear north from the location and not moving at all, my guess is she's either tied up or knocked out" said Eriko

"Well we have her location so now gear up and roll out!" said Eis and he is about to walk when Gibbs grabs him

"I can do it on my own"

"Lo siento Gibbs but I can't do that besides Tony there will also follow you"

"He got that right boss"

"Ain't your boss DiNozzo and fine let's go"

In the location...

It's a empty road with shady and drunk people lurking around, they walk following the signal and it end up in a bar

"Why she's doing in a bar?" ask Tony

"Who knows she probably going undercover or doing suspicious things" said Allen

"Let's go" said Gibbs and they enter the bar and they immediately scan the bar for Ziva and they found her talking to a person

"Is she on undercover right now?" ask Allen softly

"Maybe but they look too close to be an undercover" said Eriko

"Let's see and corner ms Mossad" said Eis

"Be careful she can use her ninja skills on you Eis" said Tony and Eis smile

"Don't worry I'll be careful"

Once Ziva and the guy finish talking, Ziva walk out the bar and they follow one by one, Eis stood behind Ziva while the others hiding

"Well well miss Mossad I wonder what you are doing here and you seem slow now not noticing me behind you hm?" said Eis leaning on the brick wall and Ziva turn around, tense

"Eisirea Adornetto..." said Ziva as she look around for an escape making Eis chuckle

"Darling darling Zeevah I'm not here to hurt you but rather curious...I saw you chatting with that man of yours, is he your boyfriend? your partner in crime? your buddy that gonna do job for you?" said Eis as he circle Ziva

"He's no one"

"Ah but I saw the way you talk to him, too friendly too loving and all that leads to either family or lover"

"What does it matter to you!?"

"Oh it does matter to me, you're too suspicious besides if you tell me the answer I'll leave you be simple as that"

"...He's my boyfriend, an American name Josh Brooke"

"A soldier not a bad catch Ziva but do understand never spill your case or your co worker's private information to a person that you met and haven't married ta ta" said Eis walking away and Ziva took this chance to bring Eis to the ground but Eis dodge her attack and kick Ziva in the stomach making her skid in the ground

"Don't test me ms Mossad" said Eis darkly with a dark insane glint in his eyes and Ziva shivered, nodding

"Don't worry I didn't crack any of your bones, you're just bruised" said Eis and he walk away

Once it's far enough, Tony hug Eis while the others looks amused

"That was amazing! The way you dodge her and the way you kick her to the ground!" said Tony while Eis chuckle blushing a bit and Tony blush too noticing the hug and let go quickly while glaring at the gang who's wolf whistling

"Well she's fine at the moment Gibbs" said Eis but Gibbs look tell him to spill more

"Erk fine...Josh Brooke an american soldier who's been dishonorable discharge and rumor said he turned a new leave but I wouldn't bet it as completely turn for now we can only observe and wait" said Eis and Gibbs nods

"Well we better get going, got paperworks to sign and all that stuff, be careful Gibbs"

"You too Eis" said Gibbs and they seperate

In DVA office

Tony drag Mcgee to an empty office

"Tony what-"

"Mcgee what do you think of Allen? I know you like him but what do you like in him?"

"Well I like his personality and he's been nice to me" said Mcgee blushing a bit

"That's what I feel about Eis too"

They fell in a comfortable silence

"So...when you gonna ask him out" ask Mcgee

"What!? Well what about yourself!"

"I-I don't know!"

"Well me neither!"



They threw friendly insults each other till they're laughing at the cheesy insults and they go back to each paperworks

'I wonder when I can tell him how I feel' think Mcgee and Tony


Also does anyone like Grant Justin actor for Barry Allen in The Flash and Sebastian Smythe in Glee? Cuz I do like his adorable face,dancing and singing lol I don't know and don't care if it's lip sync or not as long his voice and dance is real muahahaha

NCIS, Tony x male ocNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ