six;; the talent show (p1)

978 44 17

The week flew by and suddenly it was the night of the talent show

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The week flew by and suddenly it was the night of the talent show.

I rushed home from school and slipped into a lacy white dress, re-did my makeup, and curled my hair. Tonight was going to be perfect.

I packed up my autoharp and met up with Katya a few blocks away from the school. We looked like polar opposites, me in my white lace gown with soft makeup and Katya in her short form fitting red dress and bold makeup.

"You!" I giggled

"You do too!" She took my hand as we headed into the school.

We sat in the front row with the other performers and watched the first half of the show together.

Aja did a rap and jumped off a box, Thorgy played violin, Alexis Michelle did a monologue from some Broadway show.
Finally they called me to the stage.

I set up and took a seat on the stool,

"Hi, my name is Trixie Mattel, and my talent is music. I dedicate this song to my best friend, Katya, because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have the courage to be up here tonight."

"Lesbian." Someone in the audience snickers. I ignored them and started my song.

"Weirdness follows me wherever I go. Weirdness seems to know me even better than I seem to know myself... I'm someone else."

It started as a few people in the audience laughing and making comments.

"Looking to the clock beside my bed. Am I really keeping time or is it really keeping me instead? Go back to bed."

They started to get louder but I drowned them out and looked at Katya's beaming face in the front row.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. You'll have time to grow. Oh soldier, take your time. No one says the words all have to rhyme, but if they do, it's fine.
But even if they don't... No one needs to know. Woah Woah soldier. You gotta let things go."

By now they were overpowering the music. Boos, and name-calling, and giggles. Mainly from the look queens.

I stopped strumming and froze. They continued to shout. I shot a sad glance at Katya, as if to whisper "I'm sorry", and ran out of the crowded auditorium.

I sat on the counter in the cramped bathroom and wiped away my eyeliner smudges.

"I am the new Adore. What have I done?" I asked myself on repeat.

Who new loving someone could come at such a price?
a/n: I decided to split this into 2 chapters bc I'm stretching this out as long as possible:)

life in plastic ;; trixyaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt