Epilogue - We Made It Afterall

Começar do início

Hajime gave out a hand to Mitarai.

"Come and be with us" he said with a smile.

"I-Is it really okay..?" Mitarai asked. He looked over at the rest of the class 77 students.

"Of course it is!" Sonia said.

"I guess another mortal is fine" Gundham said. Everyone else agreed and made comments of their own. Mitarai then took Hajime's hand and went to the others. Mondo,Togami,and Taka went to my side. We all watched Mitarai who was smiling with class 77. The scene made us smile. Mikan and Naegi then came to us. Mikan joined class 77 while Naegi joined us.

"How are you feeling,Naegi?" Taka asked.

"I'm fine now" Naegi answered.

"W-Wait a minute,what about Kyoko?!"

Naegi laughed.

"It's okay,Chihiro. We made it on time. Mikan already fixed her up. She's now resting"

I sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness..."

We all then went outside to the edge of the island. The sun was shining bright. It's been a long time since i last saw the sun. We stood side by side and enjoyed the calming view. I then heard a voice calling for my name.


I thought it was just my feeling so i shrugged it off,but i heard it again.


The voice came from behind me. I looked at the source of it and gasped,tears coming down from my eyes. Leon and the other deceased classmates were there. They were glowing and transparent.

"What's wrong,Chi?" Mondo asked. I pointed my finger shakily towards the ghosts of our friends. Mondo and the others then looked back and saw them,having the same reaction as i did. I ran and hugged Leon. Even though he was a ghost,i could still feel him on my skin. He hugged back and pat my head,crying with me.

"L-Leon...i miss you so much...i miss all of you..!"

"We missed ya too,Chihiro...Even though we died,we saw everything that you went through with the others from above. We're proud of ya,Chihiro. Thankyou for giving us justice. Thankyou for finally saving the world. Thankyou,all of you..." Leon said. The others nodded in agreement. Mondo,Taka,and Naegi cried while Togami had a sad face.

"M-My white prince..." Fukawa said while reaching out towards Togami. He then grabbed Fukawa's hand and rubbed it to his face,giving it a gentle kiss. I saw a few tears coming down on his cheeks.

"Forgive me,Fukawa...i have wasted our time together. Just as i finally realized my feelings towards you,you..." he muttered. Fukawa smiled and gave Togami a kiss. His eyes went wide,but he recipocrated the kiss.

"Naegi,where is Kirigiri?" Sayaka asked.

"She's resting in a safe place. She was poisoned" Naegi said.

"You better take good care of her,Naegi. I bet that if you don't,she will leave you for another man" Celes said.

"You better listen to what Lady Celestia said,Naegi" Yamada commented. Naegi nodded and smiled. They then did a group hug.

"Hey there,Taka,Mondo!" Asahina said. She was still cheerful as usual.

"Asahina,Oogami,it's good to see you again!" Taka greeted.

"It's good to see you as well,Ishimaru" Sakura said.

"What's it like to be dead?" Mondo asked. He got a slap on the arm from Taka who glared at him.

In Love With My Ex BullyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora