New School,New Life

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Chihiro's POV

Being a cute girl isn't an easy life. You have lots of fanboys, tons of girls who hate you over jealousy, LOTS of presents from secret admirers. Don't get me wrong,these kinds of stuff are great. Well,except the girls who hate you part. But i don't like it at all. Why? Because i'm a boy. I'm a crossdressing boy. Dealing with those kind of stuff makes me uncomfortable because it reminds me of who i am,a weak boy who crossdresses just so he doesn't get bullied.

I started crossdressing in high school. At the beginning,in the previous town i lived in,everyone knew i was a boy. They said i was too cute to be one that lots of people mistook me as a girl. Everyone at school bullied me until my dad was assigned to an office outside of town. Because he was worried about my family,he ended up taking all of us with him to this town. Since it was a new place,i thought it'd be good to have a new beginning. Therefore,i decided to hide myself and crossdress as a girl. Apparently,everyone believed it.

I lived a peaceful high school life here,but it still bothers me so much. I can't keep hiding as a girl now,can i? Everyone will know i'm a guy eventually. But how should i tell them? If they knew,i'd be bullied all over again and i'm sure this time,it'll be way worse than before.

It's monday afternoon. I came back home early because my dad called me,i don't know why. As i stepped into the house,dad came running into me and jumped around like a little kid who got candy.

"CHI! LOOK,LOOK,LOOK!" He screamed joyfully. He was showing me an envelope covered in gold writings of my name.

"HERE,READ IT!" He gave me the letter. I opened it. What i read in the letter was shocking.

"To Chihiro Fujisaki

Congratulations! You have been invited to join and enroll in Hope's Peak Academy,the school for gifted juveniles! As you know, only the people we invite are allowed to study here and we dont just pick names. We pick you because you earned the title of "Super High School Level Programmer". If you accept this invitation,please come to the academy. The New Students Ceremony will be held next week. Dorms will be open in 3 days.
We wait for your confirmation.

Thank you for your attention.

Jin Kirigiri"

"Wait..what..?" I still couldn't believe my eyes. No wonder dad got super excited.

"IT'S TRUE! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU,SON! Having a degree from that academy is going to set you up a lifetime! You have to go there!" He said.

"W-well...i'm not sure...what if the people are terrible? about the money..?" I asked him.

"Of course not. In fact,the people there will be unique so i'm sure you'll be just fine. About the money,i've read somewhere that in Hope's Peak,everything is paid by the academy. Everything from daily needs until your school expenses. So,what's it gonna be?" He teased me. Oh,dad.

"O-of course i accept it" i said confidently. He pat my head and laughed,"Haha,That's my son!"

It turns out,my high school life changed from flat to a rollercoaster ride.

Mondo's POV

I was cleaning my bike with Daiya in the garage when Takemichi just barged in,holding a letter.

"Yo,Boss! There's a letter with your name on it!" He told me.

"Meh,just throw it away like usual. Letters are never important. Other gangs wouldn't challenge us through a letter anyway. They're too stupid to even make one" i said to him.

"Haha! Nice one,bro!" Daiya laughed,hitting my back.

Daiya is my older brother. We have a gang named the Crazy Diamonds. Daiya was the original leader but he grew bored so he chose me to be the next leader. He said something about finding a girl or something but meh,i don't give a fuck.

"But boss,your name is written in gold. Who knows what's inside?" Takemichi said. Ugh,this guy.

"Fine. Give it to me"

As he gave me the letter,i looked at it. It does seem like it's important. I opened it to read the letter but Daiya took it from me.

"Hey,what the fuck?!"

"To Mondo Oowada yadayadayada..HOLY SHIT!" Daiya yelled.

"What's wrong,bro?!"

"Thank God Takemichi didn't throw it away yet. THIS IS JACKPOT!" He yelled again. Guess he didn't hear me after all.

"Explain it,asshole!" I demanded.

"Sheesh. No need to be rude,bro. So you know Hope's Peak Academy,right? Well,you're invited to go and study there,FOR FREE! You got the title of..let's see..."Super High School Level Biker Gang Leader". If you graduate from there,you'll be set for a lifetime! Good job bro. So proud of ya" he said,patting my back.



This is great news. The best since i became the leader which is a pretty long time ago. I don't need to study. I just need to go there and eat,sleep,attend classes. THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME.

"When do i start?" I asked Daiya who was still holding the letter in his hands.

" says here...the ceremony starts next week but the dorms are open in 3 days" he said.

"I'm so leaving this hell hole. But what about the gang?"

"No worries. I'm the ex leader, right? I got this. And there's Takemichi too. We'll be fine. Just go!" he said with a grin.

"Thanks ,bro"

"Anything for my lil bro"

I hope the people there aren't shitty. Too lazy to deal with 'em

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