History Kept Shut

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Mondo's POV

Shit. When Kyoudai said "friend",i didn't think it was Fujisaki. And i left the worst fucking introduction ever. Way to go,Mondo. You ruined things. Again. You just can't grow up,can ya'?

Even though it's been a pretty long time,i still remembered about it. The past that i regret.

Man,i'm being all softy here. Gotta focus on the bike now.

Chihiro's POV

"Well? Care to explain?"

Taka just stood there impatiently,waiting for me to give him an explanation.


I don't know what to do. What if he makes fun of me? What if..What if...argh,i'm confused.

"Taka,i'm 100% sure that if i told you about it,you'll be disgusted with me and leave me. I'd rather not tell"

"I'm kind of hurt that you thought of me to be able to do that sort of thing. But i can't blame you for that either.."

Oh geez..I just hurt his feelings,didn't I?

"*sigh* alright. I'll tell you about it. So i have a really...really embarassing secret.."

"And that is?"


"CHI! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!" I heard a voice that is very unfamilliar. That one voice only belongs to a certain boy with pink hair and sharp teeth,Kazuichi Souda.




We both held hands and jumped around,screaming like fangirls. After we were done,we laughed to our hearts' content.


Whoops,i forgot about him.

"Chill,man. I was just so happy to meet Chi again. It's been a while,huh?"


"Chi,do you know him?" Taka questioned while glaring at Souda.

"Yes. In fact,he's my best friend!"

"Yep. We go way..... back. We've been besties since i dunno maybe 11 years old? Turns out she has a talent in programming while i have a talent as a mechanic. If we combine our talents,we will always make something incredible. Too bad i never went to the same school as her. But now we do" Souda laughed.

"Wait,what? Then..that means you're our senior?" I asked. I was pretty suprised since our age is pretty much the same.

"Yeah. I got accepted here last year. Age doesn't really effect the time you get accepted here. Anyway,nice meetin' ya. I'm Kazuichi Souda,the "SHSL Mechanic". You?" He said,extending a hand to Taka.

"I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru,the "SHSL hall monitor". Please forgive my rudeness just now" Taka said while bowing.

"It's okay,dude! No need to get all formal and stuff"

"*whispers*Is he always like this?"

"*whisper* well,he is a hall monitor.."

After that,we talked about all sorts of things,keeping one another updated about what's happened in our lives. That is,until Souda asked for some private chat.

"Hey,Ishimaru? Me and Chi need to have a lil' private chat. Is that okay?"

"Oh,okay then. I shall take my leave. Chi,if you want to find me,i'll be in the garage with kyoudai"


"See you later!"

I waved him goodbye. After he was far away,Souda took me to his dorm room. His room looks pretty much the same as mine,but the room is full of mechanical stuff. Well,he did dream of being the best mechanic ever alive.

"What's wrong,Souda?"

I noticed his silence ever since we went inside his room. He was never quiet,unless it was about something very serious.

"Chi..he doesn't know about it,does he?"

"You mean Taka?"

He just nodded his head.

"No,he doesn't.."

"That's good. Truth is,i kinda saw you from the beginning but you were meeting your new classmates so i just watched from afar. When i heard that Ishimaru was trying to make you tell him about your secret,i knew it was time for me to barge in and stop you from saying anything"

"I see..thanks,Shark Boy"

"Geez,i'm not Shark Boy! And your welcome"

"Okay,okay. I was just joking. Thanks for saying "she" and not "he" Souda.."

"No problem,Chi. Don't worry,i'll protect you in case if any of those classmates of yours make fun of you"

I just giggled. Even though he's not actually buff,his body was still ripped. Probably since he is a mechanic so i'm sure he can protect me well. He is kinda cute and sweet sometimes.

"No need,Souda. I'll be fine. And did you know? He's going to be my classmate for the next 3 years"

"You mean,Oowada?"


"Damn. Don't worry,Chi. I'm here. Just call me if you need me. Since you're still new here,i'll hang out with you all day. After that,if you get some new friends,you can go with them or me if you want"


Friends are like stars. You can't always see or talk to them,but you know that they'll always be there for you.

Ishimaru's POV

What is Chihiro's secret? Is it that bad?

As i was thinking,i walked to the school garage to look for kyoudai.

"Kyoudai,are you here?"

I searched around and found him sleeping in the corner on the cold floor. He looks tired. Maybe he has a lot in his mind right now. I have to wake him up so he won't get sick.



What? Did he just say 'Fujisaki'? Isn't that Chi's name?

"I'm sorry..."

Tears were now visible to the eye. I think i shouldn't wake him up. Didn't they do introductions to each other just today?

It seems there is a long history between Chi and kyoudai. I'll just go to the library and study. I'm sure kyoudai will be very mad and embarassed if he knew that i saw him crying.

I left the garage and closed the door gently so he wouldn't wake up.

"Sleep tight,kyoudai.."

Mondo's POV

"Man,that's some bad shit that happened in my head"

I woke up from a nap,feeling tears on my face. It seems i dreamt of him again. Thank God Daiya didn't know how i still feel about it today. I hope no one saw me in my current condition.

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