Starry Night

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A/N: Thankyou TheBoggerqueen and everyone else for your support yesterday! I've prepared a really long chap to show my thanks,enjoy!

Mondo's POV

It's finally here. Tonight's the festival night and i'm just so fucking nervous. What if i yell at Chihiro or what if i get really rude or...whatever! Since today was festival night,Ms.Yukizome freed us from every activity so we could prepare for the festival. I'm with the boys at the guys' changing room,wearing my yukata. It was a drag but hey,i like festivals so it's worth it,i guess. Chi was in the girls changing room. He denied at first,saying that he doesn't like changing in front of other people. Of course all of us were tense,they could find out about his secret. Luckily,Kirigiri said that each girl has their own dressing room and in each room,there's the people who takes care of those stuff. It was a huge relief for us. Chihiro finally obliged and went to the girls side. On the boys side,we all change in one room,but there are people who took care of us too. We were already done but none of the girls were near finished. They still had to do their hair and make up.

"Why are girls so fucking complicated? Can't they just go all natural?"

"Says the guy who wastes a lot of time styling his pompadour" Leon snickered.

"Hey,shut up ya bearded flashy baseball idiot!"

"This isn't a beard! It's a goatee and i am NOT a flashy baseball idiot!"

"You two,cease your fighting at once!" Taka said,standing between us to stop us from beating each other up.

"Yo,Mondo,when you said 'girls are so fucking complicated',does that imply to Chi as well?" Souda asked.

"Hell no! He's a guy,not a chick. Besides,they should really copy Chihiro. He always goes natural and that's one of the things that i like about him"

Chihiro may be a guy,but he beats all the other chicks to be honest. His hair,his skin,his timid personality,it's all perfect.

"Kyoudai,we're already leaving" Taka said,snapping me out. I was so busy imagining Chihiro that i didn't notice the room being empty with only me and Taka left.


It's already 4 pm. We were waiting for the girls to come out. I was so fucking nervous,i was literally shaking and sweating a lot. The boys noticed it and started to encourage me.

"Yo,don't be so nervous. Just have a good time with Chihiro" Leon said while grabbing my shoulder.

"Yeah,if you act like this,you'll definitely scare the shit outta him" Souda said,laughing a bit. I wanted to punch his face,but i'll let it slide this time.

"Kyoudai,don't worry. We'll be near in case you need any help" Taka said while standing in front of me,giving me a reassuring smile. This guy is the best unblood-related brother ever.


"We're done!"

I looked over to where the voice came from and it was Aoi,being all cheery as usual. She's too fucking loud if you ask me,but she's a great person. All of the girls went out,looking all dazzled up. Of course i didn't give a fuck since i wasn't interested in them at all. I was looking for Chihiro but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Oi,where's Chihiro?" I asked Aoi who was the closest to me in position. She was kinda close to Chihiro too so i thought at least maybe she would know.

"Hey,Mondo! She's still not done yet. Just wait a little longer. You're gonna ask her out,right?" She said while doing a side wink. Wait,how the fuck did she know?!

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