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Chihiro's POV

It's been a few days since Taka started taking care of me. I have to say that it really does feel better. I was able to focus more than before and i could get some decent sleep without worrying that the program wouldn't finish on time. I was busy typing up some words when i got a text from Matsuda.

Matsuda: I'm finally finished. Here's a pic of her. Remember,avoid any contact. It can trigger her old self and she'll revert to the old Junko Enoshima

I looked at the photo he sent me and saw Ryoko Otonashi or the new Junko. Her hair and eyes were changed to red. Her hair wasn't tied up like her usual style. It was let down,very different from the usual Junko. She looked really different from before,so different that no one would know she was Junko. I then remembered Mukuro and decided to ask Matsuda.

Chihiro: What did you do with Mukuro?

Matsuda: I got her too. I made her brain cells 'die' so she won't be bothering us for the time being

It's amazing how he was able to catch both of them. Of course he could catch Junko easily since she was in love with him but Mukuro? Mukuro was an elite soldier. He must have some strong backups. Anyway,i'm getting really worried about Mondo. I do trust him and all but just because he has a whole gang to help him out when he's in danger,it doesn't close the possibility that he could get into one. Mondo,please don't be reckless..

Mondo's POV

The job was finished sooner than i expected to. Of course my boys helped me out. After going around Japan for almost two weeks,i finally found the best blacksmith there is. It was in a town not too far from Hope's Peak. I called Kirigiri to tell her that my job is done.

"Oi,Kirigiri. I've found the best blacksmith. I gave him Hope's Peak's adress. He said it'll be ready in a week. I'll send ya his bank account number"

"Thankyou,Mondo. You did well. You can go back to Hope's Peak now. I'll handle everything else"


I was kinda tired so after i arrived back in town,i took a quick stop at the mini market and bought a drink. I went outside to the streets and opened the bottle when i felt a hand cover my mouth.

"Hey,what the fu-"

Then it hit me. Whoever this person was gave the cloth some chloroform and used it to make me pass out. I tried to fight back but it was too late. The chloroform had already started the effects. I ended up falling to the ground. The last thing i remembered was being dragged deeper into a dark alley. Then everything went pitch black.

Ishimaru's POV

There's that feeling again. It's really disturbing. I have a new feeling that Chihiro will get in to trouble too. Maybe i should use the tracker device that Kyoko gave me from before.

"Take this" Kyoko said while giving me a little round mechanical object.

"What is this?"

"It's a tracking device. We don't know what might happen to Chihiro while Mondo is gone. Use it to track Chihiro down when he goes missing"


I went to Chihiro's room,reminding him to eat lunch. He was busy programming. I walked over to him and softly pat his back,placing the device onto the collar of his blouse.

"It's time for your lunch,Chihiro"


Good,he didn't notice it. Now i can track Chi whenever he's out.

Chihiro's POV

I ate lunch in the cafetaria accompanied by Taka. After i was finished,i thought that maybe some fresh air would be good. I haven't gone out in a long time and since Junko is now Ryoko,i thought it'd be safe as long as i don't meet her. It's not like she's going to be outside anyway since she's still madly in love with Matsuda. She still follows him around and since Matsuda never goes out,i guess i'll be fine.

"Taka,i'm heading out"

"Where are you going?" Taka asked me.

"I don't know. I just wanted to breathe some fresh air. I'll probably go to a mini market to buy some stuff then go back. Do you want to go with me?"

"I would love to,but i can't. I have a meeting with the student council to talk about some new rules. I'm sorry,Chihiro" Taka said while bowing.

"It's okay. I'm heading off then"

I went back to my room and waved goodbye at Taka.

"Be safe,Chihiro!" He said while waving back. After i got to my room,i took my wallet and put it on my pocket,making sure that i have enough money. I decided to go to the mini market where Mondo saved me from those molesters back then. I chose that place because it brings back memories. Memories of when nothing bad was supposed to happen. Memories of when we just needed to worry about our relationships with others and our future jobs. Now? All we worry about is if we will survive from the apocalypse of despair. I decided to just buy a carton of milk,hoping that i can get taller by drinking it. After i got out,i felt a piece of cloth cover my mouth. I looked up to see the molesters from back then. Oh no,it must be chloroform. I was starting to daze off when i felt one of them carry me on his shoulder. I tried to kick him,but it didn't work. I was losing my consciousness when they threw me into a dark space. I then closed my eyes,the drug finally doing it's job. The last thing that flashed through my mind was Mondo.

Mondo,please,help me...

Mondo's POV

I woke up all tied on a chair. Only my arms were tied so i could still move my feet. I was in an enclosed space. It was kinda stinky and the room was a fucking mess. There were writings all over the wall and there were only me,the chair i was tied to,and a little light bulb that shone above me. Shit,this is startin' to feel like one of those crime dramas.

"Well,well,well. Look who finally woke up" a voice said. Since the light only shone me,all my surroundings were pitch black. I could faintly see the dark area but i could only see the eyes of the voice's owner.

"Who the fuck are ya?!"

"Ya wanna know?" He asked. I'm gonna beat this guy's ass.

"Just show your fucking self already!"

He then went out and showed himself. Apparently,it didn't ring a bell inside my head. Who was he?

"Man,i dunno ya. Ya sure ya didn't get the wrong guy?"

He kicked my chair and pulled on my hair.

"Oh fuck no. How could i forget the guy who punched my face until it bleeds?"

Hey,i've never-Oh. So he's the guy who tried to molest Chihiro.

"Well isn't this some fucking reunion?" I laughed.

"Dontcha' know what situation you're in right now?!" He said. He then punched me in the gut hard.

"Ugh...why are ya doin' this..?"


He started kicking me all over. After i got pretty beaten up,he finally stopped.

" that...all ya got..? Huft..."

"Not so tough without your biker gang,huh?!"

"Just beat my ass,i don't care. Once i'm freed,i'll beat the shits out of ya..."

"Oh? And how are ya gonna do that?"

Shit,no one would know that i was kidnapped but i gotta scare him.

"My friends would come and help me and once they do,you'll be begging for mercy"

His face then went close to mine,smirking.


He then laughed and walk away.

"See ya later! I'll be back soon with more torture for ya!" He said while waving at me. Why do i have a bad feeling about this...

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