soon frowned at kyunji's words. she usually never warned her about hyungwon's arrival. she'd always come inside once he was there. "are you okay kyunji-ssi?" soon asked, she just nodded nervously.

"it's just... are you sure you should be alone? with... him? after all he almost murdered one of the nurses, aren't you scared?" she asked with her eyes widened but soon shook her head.

she hated how everyone around her would always show such fear when being in the presence of hyungwon. she knew he was no angel, but she also hated when people tried to treat him that way. as if he was the worst people in the planet.

"i'll be fine... if not, you're right behind the door. you'll hear me scream and you'll call someone, okay?" kyunji nodded desperately.

"he should be here by now. good luck." she said bowing and making her way out.

soon composed herself and grabbed her usual things and walked to her chair and waited.

she waited for a few seconds until someone knocked on her door again, this time, hoseok followed by the tall creature.

"dr. park?" his sweet voice made her turn around. "patient chae is here for his therapy session." hoseok was more formal than hyunwoo.

she just nodded. "it's fine, you can leave us." she noticed how his hands had been tied as a protection implement.

hoseok bowed and quickly made his way out of her office. she turned to look at hyungwon and smiled. "hyungwon-ssi... you look rested."

he nodded. "i feel better, thanks dr. park."

she smiled. " the first thing we'll do today is-

"is he okay?" she stopped talking when she noticed he almost whispered the question.

she blinked twice. "w-who?"

"hyunwoo... the nurse, is he okay?" he sounded worried at first, as if he truly had regrets about what happened. soon just nodded.

"he is out of danger now. he's fine." she said.

hyungwon nodded and sat back in the rester of the couch. "i am glad." he only said looking straight in her eyes. she noticed he was being honest.

"i know - she nodded as well - hyungwon-ssi... it wasn't your fault." she said reassuringly.

"do you think so?" he asked with tired eyes.

"i am sure. it wasn't your intention, you didn't mean it." soon seemed determined to know what really he felt even if she hadn't been there.

hyungwon nodded but then his features changed. "how do you know? how can you be so sure?"

the defiant tone on his voice made her question her own statement. "because i know." she tried to convince herself.

hyungwon swallowed hard and looked away. "i am sorry." he simply said. in that moment, he looked like the troubled young man he was.

she felt bad for him, for a second she wished to tell him nothing but positive words about him. she felt the need to compliment him, to say something good about him so he won't feel so bad about himself.

but she didn't know what to say, since she didn't know him.

"so... in other topics... what can you tell me about yourself that i don't know?"

hyungwon tilted his head at the confusing question. "what do you mean?"

"something... anything that you'd like me to know about you."

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