When they already reached the table, the waiter gave them the menu.

Chanyeol's eyes widened as he saw the prices. The cheapest he could found was already at $120! How do people even afford this foods?!

(A/n: I don't know how won works and I'm afraid I might put an unreasonable amount there so I just putted a Dollar sign haha)

"S-sunbaenim" Chanyeol called Baekhyun who is currently busy looking at the menu. "I'm n-not hungry anymore. Let's just go back to the mansion" he said again.

Baekhyun only shook his head left and right as a sign of disapprovement. "We're already here Chanyeol. Just pick whatever you want to eat. Its gonna be Sehun's treat" Baekhyun only whispered the last words. He smiled wickedly at the back of his head.  He knows Chanyeol is hungry and he won't leave this restaurant with him unless he is already full.

Chanyeol only sighed in defeat. He made a mental note to treat his hyung in the near future because his hyung has been spoiling him since the day they met with foods.

"Can I get your oders, sirs?" The waiter said as he came back to their table.

"I'm gonna have this, this, this, this, and this" Baekhyun said as he pointed out what he wanted to eat at the waiter. "How about you?" He aksed Chanyeol. Chanyeol only smiled shyly and said "I'm gonna have this, this and this" he copied his hyung. He pointed out to what seems to look beautiful in the picture. He also ordered for a grand ice creeam as a dessert.

The waiter only nodded as he wrote down their orders. "Your foods will be served in a minute or two, sirs" he said then left.

While waiting for the foods, Chanyeol can't help but wonder 'where was Baekhyun sunabenim eariler? Did he already go home to the mansion? I doubt that' he said in his mind. He doubts that his hyung have already gotten home because if he already did, then he wouldn't only wear their university's p.e. shirt partnered with a gray jogging pants right?


Chanyeol's mind was still wandering off his thoughts.


"Hey, Baby --" this is what caught Chanyeol's attention. His Baekhyun hyung's statement was only cutted when the waiter arrived with their foods.

Did his Baekhyun sunbaenim just called him 'baby'?! Without the 'brother'?! Oh my heavens he could swear he could feel his cheeks turning red.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun was calling Chanyeol but he noticed that he was spacing out thats why he called him again and again. He only wanted to ask him his number but he guess he'll ask him later after eating since their foods just arrived.

"Let's eat?" Baekhyun said and smiled unto Chanyeol. They were facing each other thats why it may or may not look like they are having a date.

Chanyeol only nodded shyly because he was still a blushing mess and he doesn't want his Baekhyun hyung to see his cheeks.

While they were eating, Baekhyun can't help it but to glance and stare at Chanyeol from time to time. Baekhyun doesn't know why but Chanyeol looks so cute while eating.

Seeing Chanyeol's satisfied face everytime he takes a mouthful spoon of his food is just to adorable for Baekhyun.

'His cheeks are so cuteeeee.' He said in his mind and smiled to himself while eating.

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