"I really like Beatrix Nuri she is so cool"Ashley (Dana Brooke) said and I smiled

"Yeah and when you challenged your dad at money in the bank this Sunday that's just Sick."Brie said excited and everyone laughed

"Well it's good to have another crazy girl around"Becky(Lynch) said

"I know right"I said and looked at Joe and he looked a bit angry but I don't care.If he isn't going to support me then what ever

"What are you saying haven't you seen that move she did on me.I still can't feel my hand"Ashley (Charlotte)said

"Sorry Nature girl"I told her

"It's OK but seriously that was an impressive move.What did you name it"Ashley said

"I think the The Bx Astaroth"I said

"Like the name"They said

Nikki POV

I know that it's Jon who sends Emily the letter and flowers 100% so I was searching for him because when we talked to Emily I couldn't talk to him

"Yo Jon"I said as I saw him talking to Colby so I jogged to them

"Yo Nigga"Jon said and Colby laughed

"Stop it with that nickname"I said and him and Colby laughed

"What do you want"He asked

"I know you send this to Emily"I told him showing him the letter

"I never will write a letter"Jon said

"Don't deny it.You wrote it and that's it"I said In a serious tone and in the meantime Colby was reading it

"Dude"Colby said looking at Jon

"I would never send a letter to her just because I am being nice doesn't mean that I mean it"He said

"What do you mean"Me and Colby said

"You think that I could be nice to a girl"He said

"You are nice to me,Brie and Saraya"I said

"That's because you are my sisters that I never had and besides you are always hanging out with us"Jon said

"So is Emily."Colby said

"Listen I didn't write that stupid letter and if I write one I will definitely don't write in to Emily" Jon said and left angry

"But how sure you know it's him" Colby asked me

"The initial is J"I said

"That could be anyone"Colby said

"I will get to the bottom of this and I will prove to you that it's Jon"I told Colby and he shock his head

Jon vs Emily
No one POV

"You ready to loose"Emily told Jon

"You wish"Jon told her and John Cone came in the ring.And the bell rang

We locked our hands but Emily escaped and grabbed him from the waist and kicked him in the stomach.He got up and dragged her in the corner and gave her multiples of knee.Emily went down and hold her stomach. Then as John pulled Jon away she took advantage and rolled him up

"1,2-"John counting but he kicked out on 2.

Then Jon bounced to the rope and gave Emily a close line and went for the pin But she kicked out.She got up and gave him multiple of drop kicks.Then as he was flat on the met she went up on the rope and gave him a moonsalut.She instantly went for the pin but he kicked out again.

"Oh come on you are stronger than I thought."She yelled and everyone laughed.

Then Jon grabbed her by the hair and slammed Emily to the mat and went for the pin again but she kicked out again.She got up slowly by the corner and he came running to her but she moved and he went strain to the pole.She grabbed him in the corner and started kicking him in his stomach.Then Emily gave him a Signature moves Tilt-a-whirl head scissors takedown and tried to pin him but he kicked out on 2

Emily claimed on the rope again, and flew in the air and make a double spin in the air and gave him a diving cross body.She went for the pin again but he kicked out on two Emily was so close to the close.She got up and gave him swinging neckbreakers.Then again Emily went for the pin again but he reversed it and rolled her up.John started counting but Emily kicked out on 2 1/2.Jon grabbed her hand and throw her to the ropoes but she bounced and he was coming at her but Emily jumped over him and then he went to the other side this time She went under him by a split.Then he came back and didn't see her on the ropes so she jumped him with a 360 splash.Emily brought him up and was going to put him in The Bx Astaroth but he escape and delivered the dirty.He went for the pin

"1,2-"But Emily kicked out

"How did she kicked out nobody kicks out of it."Jon said and John came checking on her.And she nodded that she was OK.He took advantage and gave her the bull dog and then he went on top of the top and did his thing with his hand with a gun and was going to jump on me but Emily put her knees up and he landed on her knees which is painful.Emily took advantage and gave him the Paroxysm (Swinging lifting inverted DDT).Then she again went for The Bx Astaroth and she locked it hard.

"Tap."She yelled

"No."Jon said but Emily locked it hard

"OK OK I tap out."Jon yelled taping his hand and Emily let go and the bell rang

"Thank you"Emily said and bowed down

"Dean Ambrose just lost to a girl"They said

"Funny"Jon said and left

"He will be fine"Emily said

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