"Move away. She's my sis. ", Colton grabbed Laura from the lady's arms and touched her forehead. "Wake up, please. "

When the boy realized she wasn't breathing, he started crying himself and begging for help. Hunter Lynch, his friend and the oldest of the Lynches children, ran up to them and touched the little girl's neck, trying to feel her heartbeat. Everyone's faces were in agony and nobody knew what to do.

"Her heart is still beating. ", Hunter noticed.

That's when a woman came rushing through. Natural blonde hair and bright determined eyes, she was the only person who knew of calmness in this moment. She knew what to do.

"Move. ", her hands pushed away the boys.

"Please help her, Mrs Diana. ", Colton mumbled between his cries and wiped his eyes.

Diana Lynch was an expert. She studied first aid, as a P.h.D in medicine.

She lifted Laura's chin and leaned her head back so it was on a higher level than her eyes and nose. That's how you free someone's breathing if there's an obstacle. Diana then touched the side of her neck and confirmed her son's statement that heartbeat was still there.

Taking Laura in her arms, she acted like a protective mother over the child that wasn't even hers and who had none of her parents.

"I'll be taking her to my place. She needs to be treated quickly or her breathing will fully stop. ", she then turns to her husband. "Gabriel, you stay here with Hunter. Give me the car keys. "

Her man obeys instantly and in a minute, Diana was driving away from the scene, with unconcious Laura in the back seat.

She was driving faster than ever, making sure that tears didn't get in the way of her sight. Her heart was beating hard while realizing this poor child was in her hands. Her life depended on her.

"I promise you, Liz. ", Diana mumbles and harshly wipes away the tears that had appeared in her eyes. "Laura will be alright. "

Making a new record, blonde woman managed to arrive at her home in six minutes.

Little Angelina who was left at home stared at her mother with horror written all over her face. She didn't know why mommy was carrying in unconcious girl. She seemed familiar. That's when Angelina realized it was Laura. She saw her a few times when her and her brother were hanging out with Colton at his place.

"Laura!", she yelled.

Diana looked at her daughter. "Angie, go to your room and get it ready. "


"No buts, she's only sleeping. She needs a place to rest. Go!", Diana ordered and the girl listened.

Diana took Laura to her small house ordination and laid her on a bed. Putting on plastic gloves, she grabbed bottles of oxygen and attached it to the tubes which were later leading to Laura's lungs. She saw as the color was running back to Laura's face as oxygen slowly filled her lungs.

Diana slowly breathed out and smiled for a brief moment. Her heartbeat was coming back to normal too.

That's when she noticed a small human shadow on the door. There stood Angie whose big, glossy eyes were watching the scene.

"She wasn't sleeping, was she?", her quiet child voice gripped her mom's heart.

Mom shakes her head. "Did you clean your room?"

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