Chapter Three

Mulai dari awal

Archibald shakes his head looking to the ground and changes subjects focusing back on Mila.

"Perhaps later I heard lady Mila making a fuss and thought I would offer her a walk out?"

Mila looks over Archibald eyeing his well-prepared attire and nice black hair. She looks away disgusted questioning.

"with you?"

Overseer Liva whispers to Mila watching Archibald stiffen angerly.

"Hush girl, you should feel honored the prince has asked for a walk out with you"

Mila rolls her eyes and stares over Archibald commenting.

"I rather not, my mother warned me about your kind."

Archibald crosses his arms as he smiles looking the girl over and she covers herself under his gaze feeling uncomfortable with his eyes.

"Oh, did she now? And what is it your mother believes of my kind?"

Mila goes to speak but Overseer Liva comments to her putting her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Choose your words carefully girl you're in the clan's grace don't upset the prince"

Archibald interrupts Liva with a sharp smile and tease.

"Now, now Liva let us hear it. Are we barbarians, murders, rapists, thieves, or what else have I heard before?"

Archibald grins and Liva looks to Mila as Mila turns her head and Archibald comments.

"Go on girl have at it. What does your mother think of the very clan who was nice enough to help you?"

Mila looks Archibald in the eyes and speaks firm as she nods her head smiling as she lets her words slip.

"She says your rotten blood."

Archibald looks to Liva and steps towards Mila as he raises his hand to smack her but Liva stops him commenting as she grips his wrist looking him in the eyes pleading for the girl's mercy.

"My lord, she is, but a girl she doesn't know the meaning of her words."

Archibald looks to Liva and then to Mila as he points to Liva whispering.

"Then teach her the disrespect she seeps from her lips or I will do it for you Lady Liva"

Archibald walks out of the room and Overseer Liva looks to Mila shaking her head.

"Do not anger him, he has the name Archibald the wicked for a reason. He has a true and kind heart for those close to him, but cross him and it will be a long and painful death for you. He killed his dog once for snapping at him, broke the poor things neck and that was one of his kinder acts. Lady Mila, he is the type of man you want as a friend, not an enemy. Learn your foes and tighten your tongue, or he will do it for you."

Mila walks out into the hall eyeing Archibald sitting down and bows her head to him commenting.

"I apologize-"

He stops her and whispers looking up into her eyes from his seated position as he smiles.

"Do not apologize I am quick to temper as is my father. Your tongue is swift, and I don't dislike it."

Archibald gets up from his chair and motions down the hall

"Will you accompany me to the guard check? I must set things up with the royal guard for the party tonight I could use some interesting company like yours."

Mila walks beside Archibald as he remains quiet and she stares him over eyeing his dark hair, and nicely kept attire. She smiles to herself but looks away quickly as she sees his head turn in her direction and hears his voice raise.

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