1. How it all started

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Amari was sitting at her managers desk waiting for him to come in and talk to her. He called her earlier to come and talk to him because he had something to tell her. She didn't know what it could be but it was probably putting another song out.

Amari is and up and coming singer and songwriter and she's working really hard to get her name out there. That's why she has Chris as a manager, he's managed many big stars including athletes. His biggest client right now is Stephen curry but she hates him from something that happened a while back at a party for Chris. Stephen is just coming off of his first NBA MVP and on his way to the playoffs. He's currently one of the most popular and most well known NBA players.

"Well hello" Chris said as he walked in his office seeing Amari sitting there on her phone. She looked up and said hello back.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked

"I have something that will help your career take off" he said sitting down behind his desk.

"Great What's is it?"

"A publicity stunt"

"Ok" she edged on

"You are going to fake date another celebrity to boost your career and get more fans" she nodded

"Who's the celeb?"

"Stephen curry"

"No, that's not happening" she shook her head

"Actually it will happen if you want to get noticed by people"

"Why can't it be someone else?"

"Because he's just coming off of his first NBA MVP he's huge right now everyone is talking about him and with you on his arm everyone will be talking about you as well" she rolled her eyes.

"Can we do something else I really can't stand that guy"

"Nope, I don't care if you hate him this could be huge for you and as your manager i know what's best for your career and this is"

"Ok Fine but why is he even willing to do this in the first place?"

"Because it benefits his career because he will have and in, in the music business, he already has an in, in the movie buis so now he needs this"

"Ok fine I'll do it"

"Great!" He said excitedly

"On one condition" she said pointing her finger at him

"Ok what?"

"I'm not going to be nice to him"

"Ok as long as you act like you guys are dating and happy together in public"


"Great I'll pick you up later tonight"

"For what?" She asked getting out of her chair.

"You've gotta meet him"

"Fine but I can drive myself you know"

"No I'm picking you up because if I don't you won't go"

"Yeah that's true" she shrugged making them both laugh

"Bye Chris"

"Bye mar see ya tonight" she nodded then proceeded out the door and to her car. Once she walked out Chris called Stephen right after


"Hey Steph how ya doing?"

"Pretty good, and yourself?"

"Great Thanks, So anyway why I called was to tell you that Amari is in, she said she'll do it"

"Perfect, So am I meeting you guys tonight?"

"Yup meet us at the nice restaurant on 10th st."

"Ok sounds good see ya tonight"

"See ya" Chris hung up.


Chapters will get longer but this is just the beginning hope you enjoyed it so far.

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