He came out and sat on the ground beside me and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for what I did and for not talking to you first. I just felt like I had unfinished business to do so that was the reason I went." I nodded. "I will never do something this big without ever talking to you again because I have been so unfair to you Marlene, I know that and I promise I'll never do it again."

From inside the house, Lady walked out and came over to sit beside Harry. "Lady?" She turned to me. "Do you think I should forgive your father?" The puppy laid down and looked up at my face. I turned my attention back to Harry and sighed. "What did she want to talk to you about?" I crossed my arms.

He told me the lawyers plan and I felt bad for what she said. If she did write those letters to us when she was going to kill herself, and no one should feel that way.

"I'm just going, to be honest, and that's all I can do. I blame Emily for a lot, and I know she's at fault over so much, but you don't know what her parents were like growing up. She'd come over and cry because her dad would say these horrible things to her and burn her. Her mother was no better." He sighed. "I just want her to get help, because one day Oliver will want to know what happens to her and, I guess I just want everyone to be okay."

"I want everyone to be okay too, but I want her the hell away from us." he nodded.

"So do I baby, and she'll have to be, I won't allow her near our family. I promise you that, okay?"

I sighed looking up at the stars and nodded. "I'm adopting Oliver on Wednesday." He nodded. "It would be stupid of me to be mad at his father." He opened his arms for me to hug him. "Wait I haven't forgiven you yet." His arms fell to the side. "You have to do something for me." I shrugged.

"Anything, anything you want I'll do to make it up to you. I want you to know how much you mean to me and that I will never hurt you again." His words felt like enough to forgive, but I can't let him get away with this.

"I want you to get naked and run around the yard-"

"Done." He pulled off his shirt but I stopped him.

"Eh, front yard." He raised an eyebrow.

"Miss Holt are you aware that we have neighbors?" I nodded looking at him. I obviously didn't want him running around naked, but I wanted to see if he'd actually do it. "Fine to show you how much I love you." He began undressing and walking towards the gate that connects to the front.

My eyes widened as he pulled off his underwear and stood by the door trying to unlatch it.

"Harry!" I ran over and stopped him while laughing uncontrollably.

"Nope, you said to do it." He opened the door but I quickly pulled him back and threw his shirt over his dick.

"No I lied, I don't want everyone looking at what's mine, go inside." He saluted me walking past me. I spanked his bare ass making him laugh as we went inside.


Today we were back in the children's court with Oliver. Marlene had dressed him up in a matching white dress shirt like mine and his black dress pants.

He recently got a hair cut for the first time, leaving him with a dark blonde bowl on his head like when I was a kid. She held his hand as we waited to go into the courtroom with the other families.

We met a couple who had their son since he was a baby but because of a bunch of problems they had, couldn't legally adopt him until now. Marlene seemed sad which made me wonder what she was thinking. "You okay?" She turned to me and shrugged.

"I told my parents about today and how much it would mean to me if they came and they're not here." She looked down at Ollie who was waving at another baby.

"I'm sure they will come." I kissed her forehead. We went in and sat with all the other families. One by one they were called up by the judge who talked to the parents and the children, taking their photos and signing their paperwork. We were called up to the front and sat with Oliver.

The judge looked over the case and smiled. "I see we have a step parent wanting to be a full-time mommy." Marlene smiled and nodded. "Could you bring Oliver up to me." We brought him up and he held into Marlene close.

"Say, hi baby." She told Oliver who waved.

"Hi." He said in his shy voice.

"What's your name?" He asked him.

"Ollie." He hid in Marlene's arm.

"Okay and Ollie who's this?" He pointed to me.

"Daddy!" He said happily, my heart feeling warm.

"And who's this?" He points to Marlene.

"Mumma!" I saw Marlene's eyes watering and she smiled big. A camera went off and as I turned around I felt even happier. There in the courtroom was not only my mum but also Marlene's parents.

We signed the paperwork and the judge announced that legally Marlene was now Oliver's mother, and I had never seen her hug Oliver tighter.

We hugged and kissed, and then we went out to celebrate.


All together we sat down and had lunch as a big happy family. I didn't want to think of court dates or legal problems, all I wanted to think about was my family.

I stood up and tapped my glass causing our family and friends to turn to me. "Excuse me sorry to interrupt but I want to give a toast to the most amazing person I've ever and will ever meet, my beautiful wife Marlene." She smiled big. "I was blessed to have met you and I'm so blessed for how much you've not only loved me but to love our son like he is your own, words can't describe the love I have for you." She began crying again. "To being a family."

Everyone raised their glasses and I took a seat. Marlene reached over and pressed her lips to mine. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you more baby."

I heard a groan beside me. "I love breadsticks." Jeff moaned.


We sat in the living room later that night after a long day. Marlene held Oliver in her arms as he slept on her chest. Her fingertips gently ran up and down his back as we watched a movie. "Do you want me to put him to bed?" She shook her head.

"No, he's comfy." Marlene looked at me. "You know when I was little I went to this party at the church and I found this baby doll. No one claimed her so I took her home, she was dirty and had a tear in her arm, so I cleaned her and my mom taught me to sew her arm up and I kept her. I loved that doll. One day I was at church and a girl began crying and said the doll was hers. She had written her initials on the tag and it was hers. My mom made me give her back and I was devastated." She sighed looking down at Ollie. "I found you and you brought Oliver into my life." She began crying. "I was scared that one day I would have to give him back too." She shook her head.

"You don't. He's ours, okay?" She nodded leaning her head onto me. "After the trial, everything is going to be fine, there won't be any more worries."

I had to believe that I had some good karma in the future. These past few years have been some the best and worst of my life. I'd like to think that all the bad in my life lead me up to Marlene, to my son, and to the positive things and for that I'm grateful.

Suddenly Marlene sat up and made a face. "You okay?" She shook her head handing me Oliver and walking towards the bathroom. I took him to bed and when I went to check on her I could hear her vomiting in the bathroom.

My eyes widened and I quickly went in to help her clean up.

Please be a good sign.


Thank you for reading. Xx


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