Honestly the whole look wasn't me, but it was what the magazine wanted, so I didn't have much of a choice. 

"Gracie, you're up" the photographer said. 

People from the magazine were looking at me and whispering as I walked in front of the camera.

I did a few shots that were all serious, before they had the guys return, wearing new clothes. I was taken back to get changed into a new outfit, which really was uncomfortable to wear. 

Hayden ran up to me, looking me over "This is so not you" she frowned "And it clashes with your hair"

"Are you having fun?"

She nodded "Yes, come watch the guys; they look so adorable"

"Go ahead without me"

"You sure?"

I nodded and leaned against the dressing room wall.

"I can't believe we're having to spend all this time trying to make that girl look presentable. She clearly looks miserable" a girl from the room said.

The other girl laughed "I know, basically seems like a diva in training"

"We only have to spend a few hours with her, but the real talent have to spend six months with her; I can't imagine how awful it is"

"And we're just trying to help her appearance, which she clearly needs. What kind of pop singer dresses like that?"

"I feel worse for the editor though; he's going to have to work so hard on her photos, and we'll probably get blamed for it; as if we didn't try"

I looked down at my appearance. Did I really look that bad?

Louis and Harry ran up to me and pulled me back on set.

"Your turn, love" Harry said.

I put on a fake smile and stood in front of the screen.

"Okay, give us a fun and flirty smile" the photographer said.

I forced a smile and the guys watched me. Liam looked concerned at my attitude. 

On the way back, everyone was talking about the shoot, while I was fearing how the magazine would make me look. 


After getting back to the hotel, I went straight to my room and closed the door. This wasn't the first photo shoot I had done, which made me curious. 

I pulled up pictures of my other magazine photos and realized that almost all of them had removed my freckles and made me look like someone else. 

Is this seriously how people want me to look like. I searched my name on Twitter and looked at all the comments being made about me. I was shocked. I've never searched my name before and for a first time experience it hurt like hell. 

I was reading things like "Why would five sex gods want to tour with an ugly girl like her, she's such a fat whore, people think she can sing? She sounds like a dying cat, look at the way she dresses it's so ugly, she's talentless, fat, ugly, pathetic" the list just went on and on. 

I felt somewhat confident about how I looked, but seeing all this, I didn't see beauty anymore. I just saw flaws. 

There was a knock at the door. I didn't want to see anyone right now. I put on my hoodie and pulled the top over my head and got my I-Pod out. 

Harry walked on it, like it was no big deal and closed the door behind him. 

"Get the ear buds out, something is bothering you and you're going to tell me" he said, sitting down. 

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