"Don't worry we won't~!"

"Don't you trust us Dabi? The only stupid thing we would do is letting Mina and Kiba out." Dabi only sighed, walking outside of the room, (M/N) peeked around to see if he was gone before he looked at Toga.

"Now that we're alone, why don't we.. 'Talk'~" (M/N) huskily said, making Toga smirk, her signature blush darkening.

"Of course, let's 'Talk'~" Toga got up from the coach, sitting in (M/N)'s lap, recieving a chuckle from the (H/C)-haired male.

"Where were you last night~? I had to toy with some idiots since i couldn't find you.."

"I wanted blood so bad that i had to go and cut someone up! gomen (M/N)-kun~" (M/N) took a dagger from Toga's knife holster.

"If you want blood so bad, take mine then~" (M/N) made a small cut in his neck, avoiding vital organs that can kill him.

Toga instantly attacked (M/N)'s neck, licking every single drop of blood that seeped out from the small cut, (M/N) placed his hand in Toga's thighs, Toga made sure to deactivate her quirk so that she won't transform into the (H/C)-haired male.

(M/N)'s other hand gripped on Toga's hair, pulling her away to smash his lips against hers, which Toga responded by kissing back with full force.

Blood smeared in (M/N)'s cheek from Toga's lips, Toga licked the corner of (M/N)'s lips to take in the blood.

"You're so aggressive Toga-chan... I like it~ But if you tell Dabi about this, i won't hesitate to punish you as badly as the pink-haired girl~" Toga only giggled, cupping (M/N)'s cheek.

"I won't~ let's just continue~!"


At the Aizawa household....

{3rd Person's POV}

Midoriya was currently in the room Aizawa provided him, mindlessly looking through photos of him and his mother.

He closed the photo album photo, a tear sliding down his cheek, he was about to go to sleep until he heard the door knock.

"You can come in, Mr. Aizawa..." The door slowly opened to reveal the scruffy black-haired male, holding a small red box.

"Midoriya, Tsukauchi has something for you, he said he found it through investigation." Aizawa walked over to Midoriya, handing the box over, midoriya hesitantly took it.

"Umm.. Where did he get this?"

"He said he found it in the doorway of your apartment, someone must've dropped it, anyways, i ordered chinese, you can eat it later if you want." Aizawa said, walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Arigato!" Midoriya said before the door closed, he glanced at the box in his hand, he shook it lightly, feeling a small item from it.

He hesitantly undid the ribbon, making it fall in his lap, he took a deep breath before opening it.

What was inside made tears escape from his eyes, he gripped his white shirt.

It was a small All Might charm that he always wanted, it was limited and expensive since it's said to be unbreakable, but it was proven correct when he saw Bakugo having the same one.

'This is wrong... (M/N) wouldn't really murder my mom.. But.. I don't know anymore...'

Midoriya clenched the charm in his hand, looking down to his feet as tears were falling aggressively from his eyes, soft sobbing coming out from the green-haired boy's throat.

When the box fell from his lap, a paper came out of it, Midoriya wiped his tears away, grabbing the paper from it's spot, instantly opening it to find cursive handwriting in red ink.


Hey Midoriya, sorry i don't really have any experience writing stuff like this, so endure it, i bought this for you to show how much i love you, i had to borrow money from All Might, i'll pay him back sooner or later, but anyways, hope you like it!



Then Midoriya suddenly thew the paper away, running outside of his room, throwing on his blue jacket-hoodie and red shoes.

"I'll go outside for a bit Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya called out.

"Just be back before 8... And eat your dinner while walking! I can't afford fried rice rottening here.." Aizawa said from the couch, Midoriya nodded, grabbing the small box containing the said food before running outside the house, slamming the door behind.


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