Chapter 46

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I told her everything that had happened and she listened the whole time. "aw fuck." she said, that told me again how serious this situation was, Maggie cursed, it was bad. "ya, I don't know what da fuck they were thinking." I said. "we need to do something." she said. "no, no, no, no, we can't." I said. "Ellen, if Nathan was cheating on your wouldn't.....oh, sorry." she said, I shrugged. "whatever." I said. "anyway, wouldn't you want to know?" she asked, I nodded. "ya, but look, I'll talk to them, DONT say ANYTHING to ANYONE! understand?" I asked, she nodded.

We talked for a while and when everyone else got on we started on our way to manchester for a show and a day off so max could go see his family. When we stopped we all went to max's house and his nans house and she made us food. After dinner everyone was chilling and I wanted to talk to max and Tom. "I've got to go write a paper for school next year, Tom, max, can you guys come and help?" I asked, they nodded and I walked down the hall.

Max led me to his room and when they walked in I shut the door. "guys, I know." I said. "know what?" asked max. "I know what you two are doing." I growled. "what re you talking about?" asked Tom "don't play stupid boys, I know exactly what you're doing and I want you to tell your girlfriends." I said, they looked at each other.

"but Ellen, it would destroy us." said max. "look boys, I know what it's like to be in love, I'm in love with Nathan and even though he cheated on me I still love him and we're back together now. So if you two are in love, just follow your heart." I said, seriously, if they're cheating on michelle and Kelsey they must love the other girls a lot. They should tell their girlfriends so they can be with the girls they truly love.

"ellen, how did you know?" asked max. "siva did and I tricked him into telling me, it wasn't his fault." I said, Tom cursed. "I knew we shouldn't have do net hat on the bus." said Tom. "wait, maybe it's good ellen knows this, she's good with this kind of stuff. Maybe she could help us out." said max. "whoa, whoa, whoa, if you're about to ask me to break up with your girlfriends for you.." I started. "no, we want your opinion." said max. "on what?" I asked. "should we tell the fans?" asked max.

"tell the fans what?" I asked, extremely confused. "should we tell the fans that we're gay." asked Tom as he took maxs hand. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, everything fell into place there, everything. they're gay? For each other? Tomax is real!!!!!! "uh..." I started. "shit boys, I'll be honest here, this is really awkward." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "why?" asked max. "well, I uh, I didnt know you were gay, I thought you boys were cheating on your girlfriends with other girls that you were in love with." I admitted. "son of a" growled max. "it's ok, I won't tell." I said.

"should you tell your fans? I don't know." I started. "but you need to tell michelle and Kelsey." I said, they nodded. "you know what, maybe I should tell them." I quickly corrected. "why?" asked max. "well, you could get angry, or could make them angry which might make them tell the world. And I've even seen guys in this situation, when the girls start crying, they have makeup sex, say they're sorry and want to get back together, or even propose." I said. "oh." said max, I nodded.

"ya...." I started awkwardly. "anyway, I'll take care of that, bye." I said and slipped out of the room. Holy shit, that had been weird as fuck. They were together? Oh my god i couldn't believe it. That's amazing, aw but shell and Kelsey. "dam." I whispered as I saw them talking and having a great time with everyone else. Dam with was going to royally suck ass.

"you already finished the paper? Dam you guys are good." said Nathan with a smile. "nah, I got bored and decided I'd do this paper like I do all my others, the night before it's due." I said. "and besides, it's a paper about what we did this summer. If I play my cards right, I can hand the same one into each teacher and start the year off with a nice solid hundred." I said, Nathan chuckled. "that's my girl." he said and pulled me over to him.

He tried to pull me onto his lap but I moved and sat next to him. "remember Nathan, ribs." I said, he sighed. "just a few more days." he said, I nodded. Tom and max came out of the room and sat down. We just watched tv for a while before we left and max and Tom stayed. We got on the bus and I suggested we have a girls night. "come on, girls night." I said, they were all ecstatic. Nareesha and siva had left for Dublin so they could see him folks so she wasn't here.

"ok." agreed Maggie. "oh Maggie, I think you should stay." I said, she didn't take the hint. I finally had to pull her aside and explain because, well, she's Maggie. So it was just me, Michelle and kelsey. We went to a bar and got a few drinks in us,then I brought them to a nice lounge area in a club and we sat. "ok, girls, I have something to talk to you about." I said, they nodded. "what is it?" asked Michelle.

"well, it's about Tom and max." I said, they looked at each other. "well, girls you know they love you right?" I asked, they nodded. "guys, they're gay for each other." I said, as I watched I expected them to laugh, think I was lying, be mad, pissed off, maybe even leave, but they didn't. "ya, we know." said Kelsey. "did you really think we wouldn't? We've been with them for a long time and we noticed a long time ago ellen." said Michelle. "oh." I said, completely confused. "why do you stay?" I asked.

"well, we love them and ya we know that nothing can come out of it, but I love their company, and the other boys." said Michelle. "and the sex is great, I think max taught tom a thing or two." said Kelsey, they both laughed. And started giggling and talking about how much better both of them had gotten in the sack. "girls, focus." I said. "sorry." they said in unison. "I talked to them about it and they asked for my opinion. I said they should break up with you." I said. "but they love you guys and they'd love if we can all still be friends." I said.

"why aren't they telling us?" asked Michelle. "well, that was my idea. I thought them being guys, if you cried they'd immediately cave and get back together with you after a bunch of makeup sex." I said, they looked mad, then looked at each other. "well, ya.." they eventually said. "that would happen." admitted kelsey. "so I said I'd do it, but cause you know would you like to stay?" I asked. "ya, till the end of tour and we'll still chill out and stuff, but we have lives." said Kelsey, I nodded.

"ya, I understand." I said. "cool, so, you wanna go get plastered?" I asked, they nodded. "woohoo!" they shouted and raised their glassed. We clinked them together, then the night started and at some point, everything started to blur and I lost it..again.

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