108. Alone

103 27 28

In every corner I look, my eyes
wander in search
of a close one,
hoping that
for once someone
can see through my smile
and tell me that I'm not alone.

In every sigh I take,
my heart yearns for some comfort,
wishing that for once I wasn't the
only one embracing others
and there was someone
comforting me alone.

In every tear I shed,
I wish I didn't have to cry in solitude,
pretending to be so strong in front
of everyone all the time,
and breaking down
the first moment
I'm alone.

In every prayer I make,
I wish I wasn't alone, trying
to fill the voids within me with the happiness of others
while bearing
my pains

In every nap I take, I wish
my dreams wouldn't
leave me alone,
for they
introduced me
to worlds where I was
not broken, always loved and accepted alone.

In every day I live,
I wish people could see through
my façade, and simply look me
in the eye and tell me,
you're not alone.

Theme request: jaggu5888

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