Death in his Eyes

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"Tell us what you saw Ms. Mason."

A young woman, shaking in fear, is sitting across a Sheriff in a dimly-lit interrogation room. A single cup of hot coffee is placed in front of her. She stares blankly at the steam rising from the cup. 

"Ms. Mason?" the Sheriff impatiently says.

She continue to look at the steam. She looks deeper and deeper into the steam; so much so that she can see "his" face forming in the steam. Smiling at her. With shaken sharp breathes, she states-

"He knows I'm here. I'm not safe here."

The Sheriff cannot begin to even comprehend what she means.

"I can assure you, Ms. Mason, you are absolutely safe here. I can help you, but you must be able to help us. That was a nasty accident you had back there. There was no trace of any alcohol or drugs in your system. So we have to know, did you swerve or did someone make you lose control?"

She finally looks away from the steam and looks at the Sheriff.

"It was a tall shadow. Wearing some type of top hat or something like that. He was... standing in the middle of the road. All I saw was his eyes. They were white. But they were bright, almost like two bright lights just staring at me. I panicked and drove right into a tree. I got out trying to escape, but he was right there in front of me. I looked up..."

The Sheriff says curiously "And?"

She whispers "I saw death in his eyes."

"And that is what you saw? You sure you weren't just seeing things? That accident really banged you up."

She takes a deep breath and opens her eyes wide-open. "I'm telling that's exactly what I saw."

The Sheriff gets up from his chair, speaking in a tone like he doesn't believe her "How can I be sure you're telling the truth, Ms. Mason?"

She slowly raises her right hand and points towards him and says "Because he's right behind you."

He turns around and see it.

 An enormous shadow figure with bright eyes of death staring at them

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

 An enormous shadow figure with bright eyes of death staring at them. The Sheriff reacts by pulling out his gun and firing shots at it, but it does nothing. The shadow grabs the Sheriff and kills him in an instant. Forcing his claws through his chest. Ms. Mason quickly gets up and runs away.

She looks around the sheriff station and sees the destruction the shadows caused. She immediately runs towards the front door but the shadow cuts her off before she can reach it. It approaches her slowly while speaking in a unknown language.

"Se san ou tache. Li menm, ki moun ki ap chèche limyè a, se nan mitan nou." ( Your blood is stained. He, who is seeks the light, is among us. )

... The shadow grabs Ms. Mason. Only the mark of the shadow is left behind, which is a bloody sideways cross with VANJANS written in blood also. The shadow then transform itself to Ms. Mason. Her eyes go from a rich honey Hazel color to dark. She is

While that tragedy was happening, I was walking down an alleyway armed with my weapons

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

While that tragedy was happening, I was walking down an alleyway armed with my weapons. I don't know but I had a distinct feeling I was going the right way, but I didn't know where. 

The night was quiet, my footsteps echoed the walls around me. I could feel eyes on me no matter where I went. Yet, I didn't care. I was too used to that feeling. Ahead of me was a couple making their way towards me. They seem so happy. Something I never felt. They walked past me holding hands and smiling, I couldn't help but to look back and stare. I grew envious of their affection towards each other, but I kept walking forward.

I reached the streets but the trail got cold. I was clueless as to where to go next. There was no one around. I'm facing an empty park and the voices have gone quiet. I need time to think.

I sit on a bench nearby and focused on my surroundings. Sometimes I can pick up certain sounds that indicate there is a target nearby. But of course, I hear nothing. I don't get it. For the past two hours I was hearing the sounds and following them. They lead me here and theres nothing but an empty park, a closed deli, and the sheriff's department. There is nothing out of the ordinary here.

I reach into my jacket and pull out a cigarette. And of course, finding my lighter is the bigger challenge. Lucky for me, a young woman was walking towards me.

I stopped her "Excuse me, sorry if I'm bothering you but do you have a lighter by any chance?"

She politely said yes and handed it to me. 

After thanking her I proceeded to light the cigarette but the lighter wouldn't do anything. She voluntarily said she'll help me. I gave her the lighter and she got it on right away. She lit my cigarette and gave me the lighter. 

I began smoking and starting conversation with her. She wasn't bad-looking so I tried my luck.

I asked her "Where you coming from?"

"I was just gong for a walk. Trying to get away from the bullshit." She replied.

"I know what you mean. I'm doing the same. I'm Damian, by the way."

She smiles "Do you have a last name, or do I call you Mr. Damian?"

I let a little laugh out. "Messor. Damian Messor. And what about you?"

"My names Laura."

I look into her eyes "Okay, Ms. Laura."

"Is that you trying to get my last name?"

"I don't know, is it working?"

She takes a deep breath, "Mason. Laura Mason."

"Well, thank you for the lighter Ms. Mason. I appreciate it."

"No problem. Hope I can see again soon."

I move my up and down at her as a way to check her out "Oh definitely."

We say our goodbyes and she moves on. I should mention, the sounds I was hearing earlier that stopped all of a sudden, I heard them non-stop when she came around. She lit a lighter that ran out of fuel and her eyes, well let's just say, all I saw was death.

I found my target. I just don't know what she is yet.

...but I must find out before she finds out I'm after her.

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