Chapter 1

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* Jughead's POV *
Hey I'm Jughead, I'm 19 years old and go to a college in New York. I'm one of the most popular guys there, and well, I have a reputation as a player.
I never develop feelings for any girls. I only sleep with them. Why am I like this? Very easily. I was always the outsider in high school, nobody wanted to do anything with me.
Before I went to college I always ran around with a hat that I've had since my childhood, and I wanted more friends, more Fame, more style. So when I started college, I was always with people like Chuck Clayton or Reggie Mantel.
I became just like them , every girl wanted to sleep with me. And well I liked it. Of course sometimes it gets annoying when everyone wants to be near you, but are you going to do?

Today was the new school year
party and EVERYONE was there. Even the stupid outsiders. this summer I was at my dads so I couldn't sleep with so many girls. But still there were some now and then.
Well no matter what I can sleep with some again.

*at the party*

"Hey jug bro" Reggie yells and bro hugs me
"Hey, what's up," I ask
"Not much. You know how I was on vocation On Bali? Dude the girls were so hot " I just laugh and hit   him on the shoulder
"I don't know what you are going to do but I'm going to get a girl now" I say and go in the building .
Immediately there  are everywhere alcohol and the music is booming. People were making out everywhere. I saw a girl which looked relatively hot so I went to her immediately.
"Hey you pretty girl " I say and she giggled .
God, is this even a  giggle?? eww. But no matter the main thing is:  she is hot. We just talked a bit more and before I knew it we were making out on the couch in the living room.
Just when I wanted to pull her into some room, Chuck pulled on my arm
"Dude I have something to do " I just said and looked at him with a "REALLY" look.
"Dont be a boring fucker and come with us, we are going to play Truth or dare."
I followed him and the girl just looked at me with heart eyes.
We all sat on the big couch and Chuck started
"So we all play a round of Truth or Dare now, whether you like it or not, you nerds have to join in as well," he said, looking at the group of the outsiders.
"Let's start, Truth or dare andrews."
"Dare" answered archie and Chuck had a wicked grin on his face.
"I dare you to fuck one girl from here"
And I just started laughing and Archie just looked shocked
"Chuck you know that I dont do that"
"Well, now  you have to "
I didnt even care who he went with but Hailey was not there anymore so I guess she was the girl with Archie.
"Well, I think we'll do another round ," Reggie said
"So I take Jughead Jones, Truth or Dare?" he asked me and without hesitation I answered
"I have a good dare bro , come on then I'll tell you," Chuck intervened and I went out with him.
"Ok, what's the dare?" I asked Chuck and he grinned again
"Ok sooo, you have a month to fuck a girl-" I interrupted him immediately
"Wait 1 month, I could do it now"
"It's not about any girl, its the poor  innocent ... Betty Cooper"
I just looked at him shocked. Everyone here knows that because of her  past, she doesn't  want any  boys around but everyone loves me she has to love me too , it can not be that difficult.
"Are you in?" Chuck asked me and I just nodded.
Challenge accepted.


Started with a dare Where stories live. Discover now