Chapter 16

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*jughead pov*

The next few days were pretty fucked up.
I didn't see betty I don't know where she is and I'm worried and well Veronica?
She was there all the time.
To yell at me.
To say how much I hurt betty.
To make me feel guilty
Or she just comes and Makes out with Reggie in front of me.... This is basically the most disgusting shit ever.
I Mean your sister fucking your best bro... but well shit

I also thought about betty.
Of course I did.
I thought about her 24 hours a day and she is every I look.
I love her
Yes I do.
But I don't know how I should tell her.
I'm a little bastard for being such a dick just because I don't want to get hurt.
The worst thing is... she loves me...
I don't deserve it. I don't desver her.
I don't know how she can love me.
But love is a Wicked Thing and if you fall for the wrong person you fucked up.
I know I love the right person. Because betty is the best person I know but she?
She doesn't love the right person.
She shouldn't love me.
It's wrong
Not in a "he is my besties brother" way because I know that veronica will support her tho.
But it's wrong for her heart.
It unfair because I know that I'll never give her the love she desveres. She deserves more than a Old loner and now shitty player.
She deserves everything but me.
And with This thoughts I went to sleep like the last other nights...

When I woke up the next day I actually didn't want to wake up.
I heard moans...
And of course it had to he Veronica

"Could you please fuck somewhere else??" I asked pulling the covers over my head

"We aren't fucking Jughead. We are kissing" veronica says clearly Breaking the kiss and standing up.

I didn't see it but I could hear it
And the next thing I new is that she pulled my blanket away and I groaned sleepy because the sun hit my face

"Give that back!" I said with still closed eyes

"Stand up and get it" she said and I opened my eyes slowly

"Okay I know every sister is like that but Really Ronnie? Do you really have to wake me up by almost fucking my best friend and then taking my blanket?I asked her sitting up

"Well did you have to fuck MY best friend and then leave her alone with a broken heart??" She yelled at me.
And this is what I meant.
Veronica comes makes out with Reggie and then she yells at me.
I deserved it though

"For the last time Veronica I didn't want to hurt her okay?? I didn't want this shit to happen" I said almost yelling

"Are you sure you didn't want this? You first said that no one said you don't love her and when she asked you if you love her you said nothing. Maybe it's nothing for you but do you know how much you can hurt a girl when she says I love you and you don't say it back? For fucks sake jughead do you even understand or Know what love is?" She yelled at me and I saw anger in her eyes. Nothing but anger...

Started with a dare Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ