She realised, with slight uncertainty, that the vibrations of the explosions nearby had caused the hinges on the door to break free from the walls, leaving the stone to crumble as she pulled it back slightly more, her thin, unmatured body, was able to slip through the gap she created, bringing her out into the hall as the ceilings and walls became brittle, crunching and giving out under the sudden pressure. 

Gasping, she raised her arm to protect herself as a large stone block fell from the ceiling, shattering against her palm as the genetic and enhanced mutation that she carried caused the rubble to disintegrate. 

"You don't see that everyday." A voice spoke from a few metres away.

The girl looked up and her eyes widened at the sight, there stood at the rounding point of the corner, a raccoon covered in wires and boxes and an overgrown plant that held the shape of an adult being.

"I am Groot." The plant spoke suddenly causing the girl to jump in fright.

"Right." The Raccoon seemed to reply to the short phrase, only adding to the girls confusion as she watched the two with a calculating gaze "Stop staring at me like that kid, your giving me the creeps." He bristled as she quickly looked away.

The building shook again, more violently this time as the building got closer to caving in on itself.

The Raccoon and the Plant instantly began to run past the girl and down the hall, she only stood and watched them, not knowing what to do or where she'd be going if she left.

"You coming or you planning on staying here to die?" The Raccoon questioned suddenly as he went to turn the corner, seeing the fearful look on the young girls face, he sighed "Look, I don't really care about you kid, but right now my conscience is saying that I have to help you," He paused as he looked at her and found her already staring at him intensely "So get moving." He growled as he motioned for her to go ahead of him.

Quickly running to catch up the girl easily passed him, the two running side by side as they rounded another corner and approached the door that began to close ahead of them, as they sped up they both realised they wouldn't make it in time, Rocket cursing his very existence as they tried to reach it before it closed.

Right as it was about to seal shut, vines and leaves appeared below it, forcefully pushing the door open as the plants head appeared under it as he dumbly stared at the two as they barrelled under the metal door and past him as he released the heavy door.

"I am Groot." The plant frowned as it stared at one of its broken twig fingers, hitting it lightly with another and causing it to drop of as he made a noise of horror.

"Dude, it grows back." The Raccoon groaned as he raised himself up from the ground, the young girl taking a second before she copied him, standing to her full height again.

The Raccoon turned and looked at the girl unsurely as she suddenly looked up wide eyed, staring out at the stars and the planet they stood on like she'd never seen anything like it before. 

"Kid, it's just some stars." He pointed out drily as she looked back at him, blinking before she let out a short sigh.

"But I've never seen it before." She whispered, almost inaudibly and if it hadn't been for the three's enhanced senses then they wouldn't have heard her. 

"So you do speak? Good to know." He nodded absently "Now how have you never seen it?" The Raccoon curiously asked as he remembered his time as a lowly animal, living out of garbage cans and street waste before he'd been taken in to be experimented on, he remembered how the stars and the world looked, it wasn't that impressive.

"Guess I was taken in too long ago, I don't remember a time before them walls." She informed them, not sadly, but hollowly.

The Raccoon and the Plant shared a look, both wondering what had happened to this kid in there for her to be so emotional yet to cold.

"Well, if your gonna be coming with us, then I'm Rocket." He offered with a shrug as her eyes widened, unsure if she should take the offer.

"Joining you?" She questioned as she licked over her chapped lips subconsciously.

"I am Groot." The plant said. 

"So you've said." The little girl mumbled causing Rocket to laugh as she frowned at him in confusion.

"That's all he can say," He informed her simply, adding in a shrug for extra affect "You start to understand after a while." He told her boredly as she looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"I'm Cassidy, but in there they called me Blue." She told them quietly as Groot perked up at the name, stopping his chewing on a flower growing on his arm as he looked up at her, she giggled as Rocket told him to stop, trying to get him to spit it out as she watched the pair in amusement, happy she'd followed them.

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