Chapter Three

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The first year of being in the War Camp went by slowly.

Most days Nyx was only washing dishes and clothing. But she was happy that no one trusted her to watch the children, she didn't like them.

But it was still a way better life than what she used to have. Cassian, Rhysand, and Alla quickly becoming a family for Azriel and Nyx.

Fight and Flight training was also coming along good. She still wasn't nearly as good as Cassian or Rhysand and even Azriel now. All three training for hours and hours a day while she could sometimes get in one or two when the boys had a chance. But she couldn't be mad at them they are giving her a chance.

The training always left her sore but happy.

And Azriel was thriving at the camps. He slowly became more muscular and able to hold his own against Cass or Rhys.

But even with her new family, Nyx still struggled. None of the females spoke to her, besides Alla, and most throwing about small jabs or insults about her. She tried to fight back a few times but she quickly was given lashes. The males at the camp also messed with her, most threatening her and saying lewd things that made her want to run.

It wasn't until a year later that she realized she would never be able to stay at the camps.

Nyx was struggling to carrying a large pot that had just been cleaned. It had been late at night, she wasn't allowed to go home until all of her chores were finished and she was later than usual because she stayed out too late in the morning for practicing fighting.

But this was the last dish so she quickly walked to the mess hall not paying attention to where she was going.

But her shadows were. And when they started warning her she quickly set down the pot slightly angry she would have to wash it again.

But that's when she saw the group of three males.

She ran. Quickly, but they were faster. One grabbed her long hair pulling her to the ground, all watching her struggle. She hit the ground with her hands first, letting out a little yell when her right wrist bent strangely. She tried to scream but they quickly silenced her gaging her with a dirty rag. One took out a knife which glinted sharply in the moon light.

She kicked at him when he came near making him hiss out in pain. In retaliation a sharp blow was delivered to her face making her bit on the rag. "Keep the Bitch still." He yelled at his two friends. One held down her shoulders and the other grabbed her legs.

He cut her dirty clothing slicing deep enough to slice her skin as well leaving her with three new scars. She was panicking and her shadows were responding to her emotions urging her to fight, to do something. The male who was cutting her dropped the knife and ripped away her clothing. The cold air tore at her skin making her shiver. She struggled more and more when they got to her undergarments, kicking up trying to hit her attackers.

She couldn't think about anything once she was bare. Panic the only thing that she could feel.

Grab it, grab the knife A shadow hissed in her ear making her hands hit the ground, searching. With all her clothing ripped off and one of the males started to undo his pants. There the same shadow hissed when her hands grabbed cool metal it cut her leaving a large bloody slice before she finally grasped the handel. His breathing was hot on her otherwise cold neck and he pushed in making her scream through the gag. Again she couldn't move, going slightly numb from the pain.

A Court of Secrets and ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora