Chapter Eight

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The first time Azriel saw Nyx torture someone, he wanted to run. His sister, his twin, looked absolutely giddy cutting up the Hybern scout.

He couldn't get the screams out of his head. He sat against the wall just watching her carve up the male. Watching her make precise wounds to inflict the most pain. It made him sick.

When she deemed they got all the male knew, she slit his throat. Without a second thought. But he couldn't judge her on that, he's also killed.

But it was the expression on her face, as she watched the male choke on his own blood. That was what scared him the most.

"Come on we have another one." Nyx said turning to face Azriel fully. He flinched slightly at her voice but studied her face closer. None of the giddiness was there, no happiness, no emotion whatsoever. Like everything she did was just an act.

Nyx watched her brother flinch at her and her heart broke slightly. She knew what he thought, that she did this for fun. That she loved doing this.

And she hated that he was somewhat right. She did love it, because everyone she hurt deserved it. The male now slumped dead in a chair, stood behind a king that kept slaves. So yes she did enjoy hurting him. But she also hates it. Hates how she wakes up screaming during nights, how she can't sleep for days at times. Hates how people always look at her like she was pure evil. And now her twin did also.

She turned and stalked out the door. Almost walking into Neja who was sharpening a few tools leaning against the wall, obviously waiting for her.

But before the girl could open her mouth Nyx cut her off. "Neja, will you show my brother around while I deal with the last one. Go introduce him to Hoseon." Nyx said taking the knife that Neja just got done sharpening.

Neja kicked off the wall and looked over Nyx's shoulder at Azriel his skin was ghostly in the dimly lit hallways, his gaze down and looking at his shoes that were lightly splattered in blood.

Neja understood immediately. "Yeah, I'll join you after I drop him off." Nyx just nodded in thanks and turned to walk down the dark hallway turning into one of the many cells.

For a second Neja studied Azriel, before opening her mouth to speak to him. "You don't get to judge her." She said strongly to the male. "You don't get to make her feel like you hate her."

Azriel opened his mouth to protest but was cut off with a glare from Neja.

"She is not evil, but she is good at her job." Neja continued. "That male in there, he was a scout. Most likely looking for villages and towns to have Hybern hit. We picked him up in Autumn court watching a small village. There were children, both Fae and Human alike. If Hybern attacked them they would be kept as slaves, raped or killed." Neja said jamming her finger into Azriel's chest. "We're at war, it's not fun but we have to do what we do to help innocents." She said with a small snarl. And in any other position Azriel would be laughing. The female in front of him was two full heads shorter than him. And looked like a child, but Azriel knew she shouldn't be messed with and instead apologized.

Azriel met her eyes. "I'm sorry, I- I'm just not used to this." He said running a hand through his hair.

"Well instead judging everyone here, how bout you actually try and learn something so you can save some lives." Neja said with a raised eyebrow.

"I want to go with Nyx." Azriel decided already heading down the hallway to where his twin entered a few minutes ago.

"Wait! Before you go in, you have to know something else." Neja said grabbing Azriel's upper arm making him turn back to her. "Pick a mask. We all have ones, Nyx has multiple different ones. You just saw her torturer one, she playes the insane one. So do I, most males find it terrifying." Azriel agreed with her.

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