When I got to Juanita's house I seen a Red Mercedes-Benz so I knew Jaleek was here. I parked and went to knock on the door. Before my hand could land on the door some big ass gorilla nigga grabbed me by my hair.

"Aye Maleek and Nita the Jaylon bitch here." He smirked at me and I seen Maleek before I seen Juanita. Maleek shook her head at me and Juanita did the same.

"Take her to the spot Big T. Seeing her face making me madder by the second. Lets get this over with already. Jaleek is gonna approve of the job as soon as she hear what we got to tell her and show her." Maleek spat through gritted teeth.

"Wait, whats going on? I'm so lost." I tried to get Big T to let go of my hair but this nigga ain't having it.

Juanita slapped me outta the blue "BITCH don't play fucking stupid! You know what you DID! Take her on T."

"I don't k.."

Next thing I know I'm getting cut off to a blow to my temple and everything went black....

**Dreeana POV**

I'm cruising through the town and then I see Jaleek's ass coming outta the principal's house with a container of...cookies?

"Yoo Jaleek!!" I pulled up beside her amd she mugged me. "Fuck you Dre you almost made me drop my cookies nigga scared a nigga heart."

I cocked my head at her and put my car in park. "Hmm..." I walked up to her and took the container of cookies and put them in her car. "Nigga the fuck you doing? Taking my cookies out my dann hands."

I cocked my head at her again "You said fuck me LeekLeek?"

Her eyes darkened "Today is not the day for your fuck shit nigga. I'm tired of yo ass. You play too dann much."

We both started laughing and then both of our phones went off. It was a gang gc message.


We looked at each other and Jaleek said "Ardd lets go."

Ion like the feeling I'm getting right now. I think we're about to all die or someone's plotting on us.

**Malik POV** (If y'all forgot who he is he's Maleek and Maleek's Dad)

"Mr. Kendrells, your brother is here to see you. Would you like me to send him up or have security take him out?" Suzie said into my office speaker.

My brother? What the fuck I haven't seen that nigga since Jaleek and Maleek's 10th birthday. Wonder what he doing here.

"Send him up Suzie."

"Okay Mr.Kendrells. He's on his way up now."
"Thank you Suzie and will you contact my wife and tell her Andrew just showed up my office."
"Yes sir, Mr.Kendrells. I also must remind you that David has requested a meeting with you in 50 minutes sir."

A knock came at my office door and I knew it was the bastard. "Come in."

Andrew walked in looking all around my office and he stopped once he noticed my guards. "Ahhh brother Malik. I've heard my nieces are in grave danger and I've came to know what is going on and why I'm hearing about it from the Novice Crip Gang all the way in Texas."

My blood started boiling. "Have a seat Andrew. Tell me everything you know about this." He sat down "Malik I don't think youre aware of this situation at all."

I'm Not bitch nigga so start fucking talking tf.

"Because I'm not Andrew. Now start talking." I faced him fully and he said "Very well then, its that Jaylon girl that Jaleek is dating. She's got a riot going on and its about to be nothing but a blood bath here."

He ran his hand through his hair and said "There's no other way to say it nicely brother but your kids will die. The Novice Crips wants Jaleek's blood. They want her dead. And yes if you're thinking Jaylon that's exactly who fault it is. She's been cheating or whatever you want to call it in Jaleek with Branijha Porter and her Dad is the leader of the Novice Crops. Very powerful man Malik. I'm honestly worried. We have to get rid of this mess as soon as possible. Greg has already been receiving death threats at school I can't let that happen to my son so I'm sending him to school here. He'll have protection from Jaleek and Maleek here." He let out a long huff.

I ran my hand down my face, a habit that Jaleek has picked up from me as well, and said "So you mean to tell me my kids are going to die because a dumb bitch my daughter let in her life that she thought was her everything is cheating on her with a fucking crip!" I slammed my hand down on the desk and Andrew jumped a little, but he still nodded meekly and said "I'm sorry Malik. There's clearly nothing we could do about this unless we go to war because you're a powerful man too. Way more powerful than him."

I don't want war in trying to change.

"Thank you for telling me this Andrew. You and your family can stay at my house in the guest room until all this goes away. Ill be outside in 5 minutes let me clear up all this and cancel the meeting with David." I ran my hand ober my face again and he left out.

"Fuckkk!" I yelled

My phone started going off and it was Michele. "Baby, I'm worried about Maleek and Jaleek they haven't been home all day and the principal called and said Jaleek got suspended from school today for putting a gash in Jaylon head with a textbook."

That bitch deserve it.

"I'm sure theyre okay Baby. Have you tried calling them?" I asked. She said "Ohh baby wait Maleek is beeping in now I'll see you when you get here."

Now back to this fuck shit. My kids in trouvke because a bitch my daughter thought would change her life. She wouldve been better off alone.

But it's on now. They want a war they got it. Nobody fucks with my family.

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**I hope y'all liked it because I put extra imagination in this😭 but until next time.**

**Enjoy ☺☕**

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