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Adjusting to a new dorm was weird, especially since the semester was over and the two would be moving out in the next week or so anyway. Ming didn't mind too much, however, because the area was just covered in Yo and every second in the room reminded the vampire about how precious his baby was. Yo was packing his clothes up, but he was wearing one of Ming's shirts. The fabric was basically swallowing him, the hem of the shirt brushing his mid-thigh, completely covering his boxers. The collar of the shirt was wide, showing off the pale neck and defined collar bones.

"Stop staring at me," Yo whispered, looking over his shoulder with pink cheeks. Ming got up from his spot on the couch, leaving the manga books he was packing, walking over to wrap his hands around Wayo's waist, face finding a home in the human's neck.

"Stop being so damn cute and I'll think about it," the vampire whispered, hooking his chin over the shorter's as he watched the younger fold clothes and put them in boxes.

"Charmer," the younger giggled quietly, stopping his actions to relax into Ming's body. The two just swayed gently to no music, enjoying the touch of each other. The air in the room was calm. It had been three days since Joss was arrested, since Ming almost died for the second time, and it felt like it never happened. It didn't matter anymore because Joss was gone and Wayo was safe and they were fucking engaged. In less than a month, they would be married. He was so in love.

Even if they did just finish their first year of college, knowing that the person he was made to be with was in his arms didn't make it feel like the wedding was too soon. He felt at home; he felt wanted. He knew how much Wayo loved him (the boy had a damn shrine over him) and everything felt perfect. Well, almost perfect. It would feel better once Wayo had his last name.

A quiet "I love you" broke Ming's train of thought and the vampire smiled. He placed a soft kiss on the skin of the human's neck, just below his pulse and repeated the same three words to his fiancé. The two stayed in the peaceful silence before the human turned in the vampire's hold, brown eyes staring at red.

"I have a question," Wayo spike, hands coming up to cup the sides of Ming's face loosely. Ming hummed, letting his eyes slip closed momentarily. He blinked them open when Wayo huffed indignantly and bit back a smile.

"And I have an answer," Ming answered, voice soft and eyes widening when a bright smile took over his lovers face. His chubby cheeks pushed the corners of his eyes and the orbs held a sparkle that made his entire face just glow.

"Do we have to wait a whole month to get married?" A pout took over the human's face and Ming cooed quietly, pressing a gentle kiss on the frown.

"It's barely three weeks now," Ming reasoned even if he was feeling the same way. He wanted Wayo to be his forever immediately but he didn't want to make the younger force himself into something so quickly. The younger pursed his lips, a worried expression pulling his facial muscles  and contorted his face. Ming cocked his head a bit, and Wayo spoke again.

"Can I ask another question?" Ming nodded, and Wayo paused. The vampire stayed quiet, but he could feel the small amount of apprehensiveness that was rolling through the younger's brain. "Is- are you still worried about changing me?"

That question caught Ming off guard. It shocked him that he had gotten over his fear of biting and changing his boyfriend. It hadn't worried him because he was so excited that Yo would finally be able to feel Ming in the same way. Ming wasn't scared anymore, he was excited and that was something he hadn't even realized.

"No. I- I can't wait to change you. Not that I want you to feel the pain, but because I want you to feel me the way I feel you. Does that make sense?" Ming asked, fingers rubbing invisible shapes on the fabric of Yo's shirt as he spoke. All of the apprehension left Yo's body, and the smile that Ming dreamed about pulled up on his face again. "I would change you tomorrow if you asked."

"Really?" Little sparkles showed up in Yo's eyes and he practically vibrated with happiness. Ming smiled at how happy his baby was, wrapping his arms tight around his chubby baby. "Would you really?"

"I mean, yeah. I'd like to have Suthee here with me so I know what to do, but if you really wanted, I could do that." Ming spoke, yelling a bit out of surprise when Yo jumped on him. Tiny legs wrapped around Ming's lithe waist and the vampire scrambled to have his rest on the younger's butt.

"Do it, please. Please please please please," Yo pleaded, bouncing lightly in Ming's arms. The vampire groaned at the sensation, but nodded.

"I have to go call Suthee," Ming placed the younger on the ground and looked for his phone. He heard Wayo cheer quietly and saw him run in circles for a bit. He laughed at him while waiting for the other vampire to pick up the phone.


"Hey Sut, can you do me a favor?"

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