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Waking up to Wayo was one of Ming's favorite things, but waking up to Wayo kissing him, he decided, was high up on that list. Chubby fingers were splayed on his cheeks as the younger's pink lips smooched gently all over his face. He smiled softly, his own hands coming up to rest on Yo's supple hips. 

"Good morning, baby," Ming spoke softly, chuckling when Yo jumped from the noise. He leaned up slightly, forming his mouth around his human's and kissing softly. The younger hummed in content, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. Another gentle kiss was placed on Ming's lips, and the vampire smiled back at his boyfriend. 

There was something about the way Yo looked in the morning that made Ming feel types of ways. The younger's face was bloated from sleepy, cheeks chubbier and eyes bleary. All the while, he had a glow to his pale skin. His smiles were always wide, bordering a grin. He giggled without a care in the world, just happy. Ming loved seeing his baby happy at any time of day, but seeing him shine so brightly without a car in the world made Ming ecstatic. 

"Good morning, fiancé," the human whispered, rubbing his button nose against Ming's cheek, before wrapping both of his legs around the vampire's waist, pressing his face into the cold skin of his older boyfriend's chest. His small hand went into the air, ring glittering in the soft sunlight that was filling the room. "It's so beautiful."

"Just like you," Ming flirted, rubbing his thumb over Yo's pale cheek as it heated up, blush turning his milky skin a rose pink. The human looked up at him, eyes sparkling with so many emotions Ming could catch, and Ming felt his breath hitch at how he could feel pure love seep into his brain. Wayo was full of it, washing over his own mind and showering the vampire with it in turn. 

"I love you," the taller boy whispered, holding Yo's face in his hands like he was the most precious being to him because he was. Wayo was his whole world. He was every waking thought that Ming had, every dream included him. The human had Ming on a leash, but the vampire would follow him to the ends of the earth if he asked. 

"I love you too," Yo whispered back, leaning down to kiss the vampire again. Ming would do anything for his baby, and he knew Wayo would do the same for him. 


Ming has had an uneasy feeling all afternoon. The morning was perfect, cuddling and kisses with his favorite boy could never go wrong, but once they reached the school, Ming had a bad feeling. His chest was tight, making it hard to breathe and focus on anything other than something was wrong. It was a Friday, which meant it was the last day of finals and the vampire would usually leave campus to surprise the love of his undead life with something sweet, usually pink milk because Wayo was absolutely addicted, but he couldn't get his body to move. So instead, he sat outside Wayo's classroom as the younger finished his last exam and just hoped for the best. 

He knew the younger was anxious about this specific exam, he had been all week, so Ming just hoped (and prayed to a God he really didn't believe in) that he was just feeling the panic from that. He remembered Joss was in this class as well, only because he couldn't get the thought of Yo crying over that sad excuse of a human out of his head. Park was also in this class, so Ming felt a bit at ease knowing that his baby had someone with him. Only a little though. 

"Babe!" Wayo walked out of the classroom, brows once furrowed in anxiety smoothing out in relief. Park stood next to him, hovering almost like a guard dog would. Ming felt some of the panic leaving, knowing that half the reason he was so worried is that Yo was, but seeing Park so defensive did nothing to ease his own fear. 

"Hi baby," Ming spoke, wrapping the younger in his arms as he watched other students file out of the door, finally settling on the human tree that was resting outside of it. He glared, crimson eyes narrowed while Joss smiled pridefully. The taller human waved patronizingly, and Ming held back a growl as he took his boyfriend and friend away from the area. He didn't have to worry about Joss anymore because, in just the matter of minutes, Yo would be off campus for summer break. Joss would be a horrible memory. 

Or so he thought. 



The ring is nice. 


Who is this?


Don't forget. Yo would never deserve a freak like you. 


Excuse me?


Wayo is mine. This is your last warning.

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