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Ming realized he was lucky that Wayo's father trusted him when he asked for his hand in marriage. Mister Panitchayasawad wasn't happy hearing about his one and only son wanted to marry so early, but the only reason Ming got approval was the background he had with Yo. He was petrified when his boyfriend's father threatened his life if Yo was ever hurt, so he held back the fact that on their wedding night, Wayo was most likely going to become an entirely new species. He didn't want to die for the second time.

He enlisted the help of Kit and Beam when it came to looking for their engagement ring. The engineering student could tell that both of his seniors were a more than a little upset that he was getting married before them, but the happiness that came with knowing that in just a few minuscule months he would be married to the love of his life. Finding the perfect ring was a task, but soon he found it. It was simple, a rose gold band with small diamonds placed along it. It was something that Yo wouldn't hate wearing in public. He told the lady the ring size and she got it for him. Kit gasped and Beam teared up; Ming didn't quite understand why they were so emotional but he knew the shorty had a special place in all of their hearts so he figured it was something to be crying about.

Ming, on the other hand, was panicking. He didn't know how to fucking propose. He was so confident before, and he had an extravagant idea in his head of how to go about it. After he got the ring, he realized that he was an idiot. Wayo wouldn't want to be the center of attention like that. He would want something small, with just those he cared about around him because those were the only ones he thought deserved to know. On the drive home, he was thinking and he didn't notice his phone going off repeatedly. Once he was parked did he realize that his phone had seventeen missed calls from the same unknown number. Purely out of curiosity he answered the next call he got from that same number, but no words were spoken. He didn't think anything of it.

Stepping into his dorm, he saw Wayo passed out on the couch, snoring quietly. The younger had been overworking himself, the end of the year exams taking a toll on his sleep schedule. Ming smiled and silently made his way to the younger boy. His head was reeling with how much he loved the younger boy, eternally surprised at how his prayers and wishes got him the boy he had loved since he was a teenager. Realizing he loved Yo was surprising, Ming knew his feelings had been teetering for a while and having his heart decide one day that Yo was the only one for him didn't come as a shock. Having the knowledge that Yo liked Pha for most of their high school experience was heartbreaking, but he never once ditched the younger boy. Even being the smaller boy's best friend was enough for Ming, as long as he was in Yo's life somehow.

And yet, here he is, velvet ring box suddenly weighing heavily in his pocket as he stared affectionately at the exhausted younger boy. Dark circles, greasy hair, and stained pajamas were never something he thought he would find endearing, but Yo made everything look good. He always looked good to Ming. He quickly picked the younger up, being gentle enough to not wake him, and brought him to the bed. He placed him on the comforter, gaze locked on Yo's left hand as it lay limply on the bed.

His ring finger looked bare.

Before he could second-guess himself, Ming took the box out of his pocket and got the ring, slipping it onto Yo's pale finger. The ring was a little big, but nothing to worry about. The color flattered the boy's skin tone, the rose-hued gold flattering the pink undertone the younger boy had in his milky skin. The gems glittered in the light, and Ming's undead heart fluttered. Yo looked perfect, he looked complete.

Ming just hoped he wasn't going to be chewed out in the morning for not doing a proper ceremony.

Ming swiftly changed into his pajamas, slipping onto the blankets and wrapping himself around the younger boy. Yo hummed in his sleep, maneuvering himself so his face was in Ming's chest. Ming's heart swelled, a smile gracing his face as he pressed a gentle kiss on the younger boy's head. He couldn't wait to be married.

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