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The day ended like most.

I quickly made my way out after checking in with the foreman and supervisors from each of the companies that were on site. Since they were responsible for smaller projects throughout the building, it was essential that I communicated my expectations clearly to make sure everyone remained on task.

The last thing I needed was to find out there was an issue threatening to place any of the crews in danger of running behind.

It was extremely rare for everyone to be one hundred percent on schedule, but after confirming all was well, I hurried to the parking lot without a critique or a complaint.

As a project manager for a general contractor, the responsibility of ensuring all teams were moving towards the completion of their work, weighed heavily on me. When they received their contracts, they agreed to supply specific labor and materials. It was my job to make sure they honored those agreements.

Walking away from the site flashing my pearly whites, joy coursed through my veins as I congratulated myself on one more project under my belt. Since my workday had finally come to an end, the sight of my brand new toy waiting ever so patiently for me in the parking lot encouraged me to revel in the fruits of my labor.

As soon as my baby came into view, I pressed the key fob releasing the lock on the door of my 2019 BMW iE Coupe. Thankful to leave work without a massive headache for once, I opened the door and slid right on into the driver's seat. The beautiful spring day called my name insisting I let down the windows, and rock out to Lynrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" as I pulled away from the construction site.

My mind recalled all that I had invested, saved, and worked a considerable piece of my ass off just to buy the car of my dreams. It wasn't simply a vehicle to me. My car was more like a symbol that I could accomplish whatever I set my mind to do. No matter what others thought of me or believed against me, I accepted their doubt and smacked them in the head with my wins every time I overcame the limitations others tried to force upon me.

Yes, I know I sound a bit broken, but who isn't. For most of my life, people made sure I lived in a continuous state of hell.

As I cruised along, enjoying some old school rock, my mind drifted back to the day I finally had time to visit a local Jaguar and Mercedes Benz dealership to look for a sports car. Before I made it to my intended destination, I found a piece of my soul when I saw her. She was the perfect vehicle to make a statement about the person others loved to hate.

Remembering the outcome of that day always placed any other days in perspective, be those days good or bad.



As I make my way back to the office a few weeks later, the day I purchased and ordered the customizations for my car washed over me like a wave.

I was so convinced my boss was more of a psycho on that particular day.

It never failed that as soon as I got a moment to myself, what do we have, of course, it would be a call from Mr. Nosy Butt . Even when I try to refocus my attention to better deal with him, his constant back-to-back calls make me want to cuss him out until his face falls off, but I know I can't do that. After enduring a day when everything that could possibly go wrong on the job decided to hit all at once, I knew in my gut all hell would break loose if I didn't stay away from the office long enough to reign in my temper.

To say that my boss and I have a verbally combative work relationship is an understatement. As usual, it was his habit to blame me for problems with one of our projects. Because he forgot to finalize a contract, he feared losing a project that was already awarded to the company. Long ago, I realized that my boss and I, are like oil and water. But to the outsider looking at the way we interact with one another, the average person would swear we were a married couple even though neither of us was in any kind of serious relationship.

True Black Love (COMPLETED - AMAZON PUBLISHED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora