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*Tria's POV*

*set 3 years before the events in this story*

I lay in my bed mouthing along to the words of my then favorite song, it was drowning out yet another of my mums rants about grades and order to my father, she was always the strict type who wanted everything perfect, even at the risk of her own daughters mental health, she didn't care about that 'trivial stuff' so she never thought to fix it.

My father the great man that he is, was probably down their childishly mimicking her and flinching away at her angry glare, that's the way it always went, she didn't like that, she was shouting now, I could hear her over my music which bothered me greatly, the locked window seemed to shudder with the sound, "what more can I do to get it into both of your heads!" I heard her shout, she sounded angry, I guess she wasn't in the mood for fathers playful mocking, she said something in a quieter voice, "DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT!" shouted father the sound of disgust in his voice.

I turned down my music and crept over to the door, and stared at it as if willing the door to unlock itself, "its bad enough you have locked her up every afternoon, its bad enough that you don't allow her to do anything but study, but don't you dare send her to that witch of a woman! She'll end up starving her just because she needs to learn to be a proper lady!" Growled fathers voice, he sounded so upset, I knew he just wanted to take me away and show me how to truly live, but I was quick at adapting, and I tried convincing him that if I tried more I might get mum to love me, he hated when I said that.

Mum said something in a voice to quiet to hear, "fine, if that's what's gunna happen then fine" came my fathers reply, I clenched my fist.

The next day mum was staying late at work, and since it was just me and my dad we sat and watched TV, he asked me how school is and even offered me a chocolate bar which mum had forbidden me from eating, "sweetheart, I know this is going to be tough, but we're leaving, your mum said yesterday that I either take you with me or I leave by myself" he explained, "she's letting me go?" I asked in surprise, my dad nodded and looked at the ceiling, before turning the telly off and standing up, he looked me dead in the eye with a happy smile, "I've saved up some money, we might be able to afford an apartment! And then since I won't be paying for this house I can save up more from work and start doing better and better ok!" He said excitedly, like a man with a plan, and I smiled at him, "but what about school?" I asked, "screw that!" Was his reply, I stared at him in surprise, "on the first week we're going camping! And I'll show you that there is more than just studying ok!" He said as if he had it all planned out.

That weekend mother didn't come home, she was doing other stuff, at least that's how father explained it, we packed up everything and headed off to this shabby and suspicious apartment, of course my hopeful father didn't care about the shape the place was in, he just wanted somewhere to start and true to his word, we went camping and that was the best week of my life.

Sure life got tough, I even had to get a job, luckily I adapt pretty easily, so it wasn't as hard as it could of been, we cleaned and cooked and I even brought home a date who father spent the whole night intimidating, we would dance on the table and go on random road trips, I miss those days.

*3 years later*

I woke up to the sound of Mason talking in his sleep, I felt surprisingly happy, the dream was a wonderful one, I got to relive life with my father and best friend, Aaron had turned around and was holding me in his sleep as his back pressed against the aliens side, it seemed to be sleeping, so I guess I should try to go back to sleep.

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