Chapter 8 - Tweet

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“Penny?” I called, briefly knocking my knuckles against her door.

“Go away!  I don’t want to talk to you.”

The handle on her door wouldn’t turn so I assumed she had something, a chair may be, pressed up against the door to keep me shut out.

“Sweetie, please, let me explain.”

“I’m sixteen years old, I have hormones too.  You don’t need to explain anything.  I saw what I saw you can’t take that back.”

“What do you think you saw?”

You macking on my favourite teacher whom I told you to stay away from.”

“Just admit you have a thing for him and I’ll leave him alone, I swear.”

“Are you serious?” she shrieked, her voice hitching up a few octaves.  “I don’t have a crush on Mr Cooper.”

“Are you sure?”

“Just go away, Maggie.”

There was only one to get through to Penny when she was like this.  Through our letters.  In the master suite next door, I delved into one of the cardboard boxes and pulled out my notebook and pen.  Once I was sat comfortable on my bed, I began to write.

From Maggie May To Penny Lane,

I’m not going to keep apologising because I know it won’t get me anywhere so I’ll just speak truthfully.  I like him, okay?  Like a lot.

He asked me out, you should know.  If you have a crush on him then I won’t go out with him.  If you don’t then I will go out with him.

I really like this guy, Pen.  I know we hardly know each other but, that’s okay because I want to get to know him more – outside work.

What you saw in the kitchen was a mistake, it won’t happen again.  At least not until we’re both ready for it and you’re not around to witness more.

But I won’t take this further without your blessing.

I’m sorry you had to see that, I’m sorry I’m being so selfish and I’m sorry if your feelings got hurt at all.

Love always Maggie May xxx

After I slid the letter through her door, it took less than ten minutes to send a reply through the bottom of my door.

From Penny Lane to Maggie May,

For the last time, I don’t have a crush on Mr Cooper.

If you want to go out with him so bad then just go out with him.

But I’m pretty sure the school looks down on 2 teachers starting a relationship.  They’ll all hear about it soon enough.

That was all she had written and a sense of dread filled me, rooting me to my spot on the bed.  What the hell did she mean they’d all hear about it soon enough?  I’m up and storming through to her door which has been firmly shut against again.  She’s crossed me, deeply.  I’m sorry that I may have hurt her feelings but now she’s threatening, not just my own but Jason’s as well, two teachers’ careers.

The door handle still doesn’t budge but I’m so angry that I’m willing to go that extra mile into vandalism.  One swift kick and the door gives way.  Penny is sitting at the end of her bed tapping away at her Blackberry.

“What the hell do you mean they’ll all hear about it soon enough?” I demand.

Penny turns her phone to face me, she’s been writing a new tweet on Twitter.

Sing Me To Sleep (formerly From Maggie May to Penny Lane)Where stories live. Discover now