Chapter 7 - Cough

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Penny waited patiently for her ride home as Jason and I went over all the musicals that would be good fun for the kids to take part in and watch but also appropriate in the eyes of those in charge.

“What about Chicago?”

“It’s a brilliant play but may be a bit too… provocative for this school?”

“Okay, classic, Oliver.”

“Been there, done that.” Penny said from the corner, coughing still.

“What else?” Jason asked.  “Les Miserable?”

“Boring.” Penny coughed.

“Hey, honey, why don’t you get yourself a glass of water?”

Penny got up, looking miserable and bored, and left to find something to drink.

“Is she okay?” Jason asked.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine.  I’ll make sure she takes some medication when she gets home.”

“I know it’s only the first day back but she seems a bit distant.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, not distant but not as focused as she normally is.”

“I’ll talk to her.  It’s probably just left over from the whole dead Dad thing, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, of course.”

“So what about Hairspray?”

“That could work.  I’d have to get it approved, though.”

“Or Blood Brothers?  Sweeney Todd?  Ooh!  What about Wicked?”

He laughed, “You really know your stuff.”

“Have you seen any of these?”

“I went to see Sweeney Todd last year with my girlfriend.”

“Oh, you have a girlfriend?” I said, disappointment plain in my voice.

“No, ex-girlfriend.  We broke up last Christmas.”


“Not your fault.”

“So which play shall we go for?” I said to change the subject.

“I like the sound of Wicked.” Jason answered.  “I’m sure it’s appropriate and the kids will have fun with it.”

“Excellent.  It’s my favourite.”

“Good, then you’ll know a lot about it because I don’t.  I hope I can count on you.”

“Absolutely, now I’d better go see where Penny has wandered off too.”

“I meant to ask you something else about Penny actually.”


“When she came to the theatre… it sounded like she was about to call me Mr Gorgeous.  I was hoping you might have a word with her.  Not that I’m not flattered but it’d be kind of awkward if one of my students had developed a crush.”

“She doesn’t.  That… uh!  I have a confession to make.”

“I’m all ears.” He said crossing his arms.

“When I met you after the funeral I was…”


“I was so inappropriately attracted to you that I kind of, might have, made a nickname for you.”

Sing Me To Sleep (formerly From Maggie May to Penny Lane)Where stories live. Discover now