Chapter 9

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After our little kissing session which didn't go any further...I let Romel sleep in my room. Of course I had to close the door cause I didn't want to have everyone looking at what they shouldn't be looking at. Any way i let Romel take my bed and I took the sofa bed although he insisted on having the sofa bed I told him he was in my house and he had to take my bed. Which isn't exactly wrong. As I was putting my pillows on the sofa bed I heard The door open and I turned around to find romel walking in with a pair of clothes and a bag.
"Umm...what's That?" I asked out of curiosity.
"My clothes..." he said as if it was nothing and walked into the bathroom.
With that I got into the sofa bed and slowly but surely I fell asleep.


She looked so peaceful while she was asleep. She rarely looked like that in the last 2 days. But damn she got even more beautiful than what she was back then. I was proud of her and what she had done and accomplished in such little time even if she went through something so hard as she did. I couldn't imagine losing my mom especially knowing, Gabina, had no one else to lean on except her dad's brother and that must've been hard. Sure her adoptive family was there for her but her maternal family never was. I wanted to show her her value as a person but knowing her coping mechanism she probably didn't want anyone bringing something up. I walked toward her bed and noticed some picture frames on her wall. She only had five. One of her mom and her grandma.

One for our little group

One of her Emily and Raul.

One was a collage picture.

and lastly one of me and her. I can't believe that after what I did to her she had one of me and her. I grabbed the frame that held two pictures of her and I.

The two important days of our graduation and hers. I felt tears slipping out of my eyes knowing she had these up. She was a beauty then and she still is. I looked at her and I saw what I had seen in her back in 7th grade, when I had a huge crush on her but didn't say anything.
I was the boy who she liked but didn't know she did until I stopped talking her. Biggest mistake I ever made.I went 2 years without uttering a single word to her. After a couple of months, she wanted to know what was wrong and if we could talk again. But I was an ass to her and said that we were fine with the way things were. And she backed off and never asked again or said anything to me. Although I always was aware what she was up to through Omar but when she hurt her wrist  sophmore year of high school she heard me ask Omar what had happened and she turned around and just said "it's none of your business, remember. 'We're fine with the way things are. Just keeping things to the minimum.' Just saying." With that she turned in her seat and continued as if nothing had happened. And when i wanted to make things right, she gave me a hard time. But I hugged her the next day when she said we could be friends again. I still remember how she stiffened in my arms as if I was going to hurt her but then she gave into the hug and hugged me back.

Now here we are after everything. She was the one I wanted to have as my girlfriend for a while but I messed it up. Sighing I put the frame back, walked over to Gabina, placed a kiss on her cheek saw her smile a bit, and just that alone put a smile on my face. With that I walked over to her bed and went to sleep.

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