Chapter 11

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A few days had gone by since the whole conversation with Romel happened. Dinner Sunday night was surprising good besides Romel glancing at me while i talked and laughed with everyone. One thing i did notice was that every time i touched or leaned on Steph, he got mad but I didn't quite understand until Steph whispered in my ear that he was jealous. Having him around calmed my nerves so i asked him to come with us to Omar's dinner party thing since everyone was taking someone i thought i'd take him with me.

Now this morningi woke up 8:30 and thought why not go the gym for 2 hours...I was at the gym somewhat early because my nerves were on high alert. So i thought why not blow some steam off at the gym.

~time laps end of workout at 10:30ish~

I was close to finishing my workout when i felt a hand on my shoulder and on instinct my elbow shot out only be grabbed by...

"Nando?" I said curiously...

"uh...yea sorry about that i didn't mean to scare you. But damn you still hit people on instict" he said.

"umm...uuhh...yea... I do. I guess some habits die hard huh?" i said back

"yea i guess they do." he said with a little sadness in his voice.

my phone beeped and of course i would have a text from Emily... "i have to go. i'll see you around, Nando. It's good to see you. bye" i said as i walked away and out of the gym and headed home.

I pulled up into the driveway, turned my car off and walked toward the front door. Just as i was unlocking the door, it was opened and i was pulled in. "Well gee good morning to you too" i said sarcastically to Emily walked towards the stairs so i could up to my room.

"Don't even start with me this morning Gaby. What the hell?! Why would you go to the gym?" she whispered yelled following me.

"Because I needed a workout, Em. That's why i went. Plus this whole dinner thing has me freaking me out. Did i mention that it's tonight. Oh wait. EMLY, OMAR'S DINNER IS TONIGHT AND I'M GUNNA DIE!!" i said sorta yelling but by then we were in my room.

"You didn't let me finish. i was gunna say ' why would you go to the gym without me?" she asked whinning and threw herself on my bed

"uugghh really?! i thought it was something else." i said as walked to my closet and took my clothes. I walked back to her and threw myself next to her. "so umm...remember Nando?"

"um yea i do. Weren't you guys in a relationship for a while then ya had thing" she asked as if she was remembering something.

"yea...well he saw me at the gym right when i was finishing working out and he put his hand on my shoulder we only said hello until i got your text and said bye and left the gym to come home." i said.

"okay...well he's old news so having him as a friend couldn't hurt." she said and sat up on my bed.

"yea you're right." i said as i sat up "well time to start getting ready for this thing. So let me shower and get ready and we'll go to the hair salon." i said as i grabbed my clothes and walked toward the bathroom. By the time we left the house it was 12:30 because a certain someone(keyri) took a long time getting ready.


So getting our hair done took longer than expected but at least Raul and omar were nice enought to drop off some food for us. "okay so now we have to do out make up, put on our dresses and we are good to go." emily said as we walked into the house. I walked right into the house and straight into the kitchen and sat next to Raul who only looked at me and right back to the conversation that was going on between him and Omar.

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