Chapter 1

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I was hanging out at my house with my friends from high school, Raul, Emily, Omar, & Keyri. Through the years we had changed but we managed to stay close together. Now Raul was the fighter of the group back in high school and today he had his own business. Emily well she was the crazy one with heartfelt advice and now she's an accountant. Omar well he was special always made us laugh now he's a full CEO of who knows what. Keyri well she was the pretty one of us now she still pretty but she's a nurse. Then there's me, Gaby, I used to be the one who gave it all for these 4 and one more but now I'm a sonogropher who barely has time for love.
"Soo..Gabina" Omar said while I cringed at the memory of that nickname I was given that only reminded me of the one more in our group who broke my heart.
"Stop calling me that. It was cute in high school now not so much." I said.
"I don't get it Gaby! I came up with the nickname and then Romel called you that and the day he left you never wanted to hear anyone say it again." He said. Luckily Emily & Raul never told him or keyri that we dated 3 weeks before graduation.
"Dude chill out. She just doesn't like it anymore." Raul said
"You know, he's right. People change Omar and sometimes for the better." Emily said.
"Right well anyway," Omar said, "I heard Romel was coming back from the Navy something about it having to do with us graduating college and him not seeing his family."
"What?!" We all said looking at Omar.
"Yea since you know all of us are going on vacation together after so long it works out for him to finally come home." He said.
Now at this point I had been holding Emily's and Raul's hand under the table since I heard the 'Gabina'.
"And how long is he staying here? Because we have a trip planned to Colombia, remember and right after your dinner party." Emily said.
"Well..yea...about that." Omar said.
"Omar i swear to god what did you do?! Please tell me you did not invite him to the vacation?!" I semi yelled.
"I'm sorry I had to. He's staying for a year, guys what was I supposed to do plus it is a 2 week vacation" Omar said.
"Omar it was a vacation to Colombia! 2 days in Cartagena & the rest with my family in Baranquilla! Which by the way my family is only expecting 5 people not 6! What the hell!" I yelled.
"Hey hey calm down, love. We'll figure it out. Don't worry. We always do. You'll be fine, I promise." Emily whispered in my ear as she and Raul calmed me down.
"And on that note when does he come back, all-knowing-omar." Keyri said.
"Right well I don't actually know considering the diner party is Wednesday and it's Friday," Omar replied while his phone beeped.
He took it out and read out loud come to my house my mom said she wanted you guys here for some thing. Make it quick and tell the other 4. We'll be waiting. ~Laura.
"Why would Romel's mom want us at their house? We haven't been there since.." I said
"Since Romel graduated" keyri said.
"Well there's only one way to find out and I say we go" said Raul.
I mean we did live in the same neighborhood as Romel's mom except that Emily was my roommate and well every one had their own thing. So we locked up my house and walked to Romel's house.
"Hey you okay" Raul asked along with Emily.
"Yea I will be. You guys known I can do this. I'll be fine I just need you guys to give me room to breath. I'm getting claustrophobic here." I said.
"Right well we'll be ahead of you." Emily said and pulled Raul with her.
"Yea I'll be fine" I whispered to myself.
We made it to Romel's house and everything looked the same from the outside but there were too many cars for my liking. Something was up and I did not like it, at all.
"Umm, guys I'm having a panic attack here too many cars means too many people in a small space." I said. With that said omar walked over and put his hands on face and said "Gaby relax breathe. It's outside not inside you'll have plenty of air and space to breath okay? Just relax, breathe."
"Thank you" i said and gave him a hug "Lets get this over with i need to go home and sleep. A girl still has to go shopping or so Emily says" I say.
We walked to the back yard door, opened it and were greeted by Romel's family having a barbecue. We were giving food and drinks...until....

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