Weird Crushes/Night Terror Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"Heh. Do you, Pinky. careful, Kay. But...erm, just in case, why?" I asked again, still unconvinced.

"He is a pretty reliable guy especially when we formed a team. Oh...right you never went to a Sports Festival, right? I guess you only saw the highlights," Ashido replied to me as I nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I guess the screen time he got was enough to show some discipline...too much," I still am in shock for hearing this from her, but I guess things happen. Hell, no one thought Mineta would have a girlfriend like List, but it happened.

At this point, money could rain from the sky. Hopefully...


"So, you want to train more? We have time after curry...if that's alright with you?" I told her, surprised afterwards when she already finished a bowl. Wow, she must be serious. I never would have guessed that from somebody like her. "So...what do you want to do? I only saw your Quirk used a few times,"

", Uraraka! Could you come here a bit?" Oh, that's right, we haven't spoken much about anything. But why would Sharon need the airhead? "I need you to use your quirk on me, if things go out of hand too quickly. And a towel..."

"W-Why?" Uraraka asked her, holding a large, basically a blanket at this point, towel.

"You'll find out soon...anyway. This has been a lab. Months ago. God..." She breathed as Uraraka had her quirk placed on her. The Pussycats, mainly Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll,

"This is so exciting! A training between individual students! I can't wait!" Ragdoll shook around, ADHD an obvious factor here.

"Okay....100% Hell Demon!!" Suddenly as her shout, the air around her burst forward. As her body literally erupted from within in an intense dance of flame and cinders, our came a completely different Sharon.

This Sharon was actually quite scary, compared to before, and she was a hardcore pervert. This's body was the blackest void, sinews of her muscle fibers just barely noticeable. Her hair ironically was not black anymore, but an orange-glowing mane.

The horns also seemed to grow bigger somewhat.

So...this was 100% of 'Raging Demon'? If so, what kind of power would she be packing?

"S-Sharon?! That's scary, but cool at the same time! Uh...Sharon," Uraraka noticed not a single response from her.

Replying with a snarl, I immediately grabbed Uraraka out of slashing range, as the area before her turned into a noticeable crevasse that even students from beforehand had to move out of the way.

"Uraraka! Quirk! Now!"

"Oh!" Placing her hands together, forcing the demon to float helplessly around.

Aizawa was already present, looking at the flailing ball of fury that was tearing up the general area.

"Goddammit...and I just started to rest my eyes...ah, well," Activating his Quirk, the furious demon that was Sharon started to form back to normal.

"Release!" Uraraka groaned. "Uh, Yamano?"

"What? Oh..." I was still holding onto her...must have been pretty awkward. "Sorry,"

"N-no worries...oh...oh god..." Here it was the rainbow vomit that comes after overexerting herself. Guess Sharon was harder to keep in place, now a tiny crater formed where Sharon landed.

"And I see why she asked for a towel..." Aizawa looked away. I knew that look.

I grabbed the large fabric, and covered her immediately. She only laughed.

No Power? No Problem! (An OC Fanfic/BNHA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now