Chapter 1

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2:53pm. Seven minutes until the last class ended and Ashlyn felt way too impatient. All she wanted was to get up from the uncomfortable seat in which she was positioned in, make her way towards the exit, get a coffee and then go home. It wasn't that Ashlyn hated school or anything, she'd always been totally okay with it and she'd always had both friends and good grades so she couldn't really complain. Maybe her need to leave the classroom was due to the fact that it was Friday afternoon which meant that two days with no work to do was coming up, or maybe it was due to the fact that she was 20 and was still spending most of her days in rooms where math problems and animal cells were concidered art and were framed on the walls in every single part of the building.

She could've been out of school two years ago, maybe got a stupid job which she'd probably hate but appreciate since it would give her money. She wasn't short on money, though, her fiancé recieved a lot of that. But still. She felt kind of useless at home when it came to that subject. There wasn't much she could do, though. She wanted to become a psychologist and she wouldn't give up on her dream just because she herself had stupid feelings about it.

The class eventually ended and Ashlyn was the first one to get up and leave, not wasting any time to take a second look at her table. She quickly walked out of the building, her brown long hair trying to keep up with her speed. Usually, Ashlyn would ride her bike home or maybe call Ethan, her fiancé, to come pick her up with his car but since he was working and she hadn't had the effort to go down her basement and try to get her bike out that morning, she started to walk towards her favorite coffee shop.

The coffee shop wasn't too far away from the school, fortunately. It was the way from the coffee shop to her apartment that was her main issue. It wasn't that far away, either, but she wasn't really a 'let's go for a walk' kind of person. She only walked to places she needed to be when she absolutely had to. She had always prefered riding a bike, it went much faster and was more comfortable.

When she'd ordered her coffee and was out of the shop, Ashlyn increased her pace. She just wanted to get home, lay down on her couch, watch Desperate Housewives and wait for Ethan to get home.

About halfway home, Ashlyn realized she had to call her mom and tell her about her week, which she did every single friday. Not necessarily because she wanted to, she just knew it would make her mom happy and if she was happy, Ashlyn was too. She started looking through her purse for her phone but found nothing. She brought her hand to every single pocket on her body - still nothing. As irritation started to settle inside of her, she once again started searching through her purse in hope that maybe she hadn't looked through it properly the first time and her phone was hiding somewhere at the bottom of it. Digging her way through the mess, she didn't notice the person walking right towards her in a high speed, and in a matter of seconds Ashlyn found herself on the ground with all her belongings scattered around her.

"Damnit," she groaned and looked up at the person who she'd just collided with. It wasn't until then that Ashlyn realized she wasn't holding her coffee anymore - it was all over the woman in front of her instead.

"Shit!" the stranger silently yelled as she quickly brought up tissues from her purse, trying desperately to get the warm liquid off from her shirt.

Ashlyn tried her best to collect her dropped stuff as fast as she could and stood up in front of the pretty short woman, offering her even more tissues to dry herself off with.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking it was all my fault," Ashlyn said in guilt, her words basically falling over each other with the speed she was talking in.

"No, it wasn't your fault," the other started as she kindly accepted the tissues that Ashlyn was holding in front of her and started cleaning herself off more with those. "I wasn't looking either, it was stupid of me."

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