Bonus Chapter

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"Everyone, get in here."

I was standing by the kitchen door waiting on all my four children to explain how Fawad had beaten up a classmate of his, his teachers say they have never seen him behave that way before. He has always had pristine leadership qualities, always setting examples for his siblings to follow. It was shocking to hear he did this. Too shocking.

They all shuffled down the stairs as though they were mourning. Mu'adh had gone on an impromptu business trip to China two weeks ago and I sorely missed how he'd have taken charge of the situation by now.

They all sat facing me with morose faces. I shook my head, they've always known how to use their appearance to appeal to my emotions when in trouble. Not this time. They are in a large pot of trouble. Especially Fawad.

"Fawad, want to explain why you beat your classmate up, why you stumped your foot on his nose even after pushing him in the ground?"
He looks up with tears in his eyes and I purse my lips, not working Mr Fawad Dikko. He jutted his lips further, he looked so much like Mu'adh at that moment.

"Hassan saw Khayrat come to my class to take some chocolate, then he said my sister looked like a thin rod. My sister, my own sister. I tried to recite a dua to keep me from getting annoyed but Ammi, I got angry when he said she needs to be vulcanized. Ammi, how could he. He is my seatmate Ammi ."

I sighed, he has not answered my question, how did it get to the point of beating him up.

"You got a week's suspension for beating your classmate up, Fawad. That's very unlike you. "

I looked at Khayrat who was crying silently, her doe like eyes looking like a punished child. I waved my hands and said "You all go and prepare for Islamiyya."

They shuffled back upstairs again and I picked my phone, Mu'adh should have been done with his meeting by now. He picked on the first ring. I miss him too.

"Salam Alaikum Babban Fawad"
He answered and after nearly twelve years, he still calls my name with that absolutely delicious accent.

"Ajike, I miss you so bad, I wish you could come with me."
Whenever Mu'adh travels, he is always a big baby. "I miss you too, but, Fawad was suspended for beating a classmate today and although he was protecting his sister from a bodyshaming abuse. He still got suspended ." I sighed loudly.

"He's preparing for Islamiyya, and it begins in twenty minutes. I've already postponed his punishment to when you return, but I won't tell him. I'll let him stew in his fear. I'm not raising a boxer, I'm raising a man."

Mu'adh laughs out loud, that deep belly throat laugh that I like so much "Mu'adh what is so funny? "
"I have a surprise for you."  I look at my phone in surprise, Mu'adh's surprises are always out of this world. He blows my mind every time he sets out to surprise me.

"I'll be waiting." I know that I can't pry anything out of him, I've learned in the past twelve years never to force him to stay anything. You'll not like the end.

As soon as I heard the kids coming down the stairs I bid a hasty goodbye to a surprised Mu'adh. They will no longer go to Islamiyya if they knew I was talking to him.

I kissed their heads and walked them to the door. Mentally calculating how soon I could make some gbegiri and ewedu with Amala. They like to eat that and after a super stressful day, I should give them a favorite.

A few hours later as I placed the bottles of Zobo in the freezer to cool. I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the clock, my kids still had half an hour more before coming home. I shrugged. Maybe their Mallam released them early.

I opened the door and my jaw dropped. Mu'adh. Oh Allah

I screamed and jumped into his arms so hard my scarf fell of my head. So he was the surprise. I was in shock, I was not expecting him until next week.
I'd even prepared myself for his arrival next week. I hugged him again and again.

"Walaikum Salam Ajike."
He prodded me gently and I blushed, he still makes me so happy. All thanks to Allah for giving him to me, apart from my life, my parents and my faith. He being my husband was the best gift Allah ever gave to me. And he just gets better and better.

"You missed me so bad huh."
I had cried myself to sleep the last night and I'm thankful he is here now.

"I missed you so much Mo mi yiđi" Love of my life He looked at me with so much honesty in his brown orbs, I gulped

"I missed you even more."



Surprise right. I was shocked myself when I began typing the chapter, honestly I thought  I was done and dusted with the story but apparently my brain wasn't.

I'm thankful to all of you, for putting Àjíkè on #10 on what's hot list. I was yelling like a banshee when I saw it. And every time I go through the rankings, I sigh in happiness. God bless you all richly.

I love you all to the moon and back thank you at @Mss_Kyear, Nanahmuhammad and Addah Zeenat.
Y'all rock. 😘😘😘😌😌

I love all of you (I've said that already 😥😥 ) Have an awesome day today.

                     Yours truly

Àjíkè (Book One In The Battered Wives Series) #ProjectNigeriaWhere stories live. Discover now